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SiS Technical Training Development Track Day 3 & Day 4.

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1 SiS Technical Training Development Track Day 3 & Day 4

2 Agenda  Understand Scroll and Scroll Levels  Scroll and Scroll Levels with Practice(Instructor Led)  Understand Grids  Grids with Practice(Instructor Led)

3 Understand Scroll and Scroll Levels Overview:  A page must reflect the underlying table structures so that the system knows where to store data in the database.  When you have more than one underlying record definition on a page, the role of scrolls and grids in page processing is important.  Scroll controls and grids define parent and child record definition relationships on a page.  The primary record on a page at level 0 has no scroll area or occurs level associated with it. If the page contains a record that is subordinate to the primary table, it has a scroll control with an occurs level of 1.  PeopleTools does not support nesting beyond three levels.

4 Understand Scroll and Scroll Levels Overview:  Scroll Areas are the preferred control for representing multiple rows of data from a table.  Scroll areas provide the option of showing or hiding a border around the data.  Scroll areas provide the option of a View All button and a Find feature.  PeopleSoft Application Designer automatically nests the scroll area after you set the occurs levels sequentially.  Each field that you place on the page after each scroll area is automatically placed inside the scroll area preceding it until you place the next level-based control on the page.

5 Understand Scroll and Scroll Levels Let us design a page having scrolls at Level 1 and Level 2.

6 Scrolls Continued Lets practice scrolls on Level 1 and Level 2.

7 Scrolls using Parent-Child Relation

8 Scrolls Continued Overall page look

9 Understand Grids Overview:  Scroll controls and grid controls function very similarly.  Grids are more compact and display fields in a spreadsheet-like format. You insert page controls into a grid and associate the controls to record definitions, just as you do in a scroll control.  You insert page controls into a grid and associate the controls to record definitions, just as you do in a scroll control.  You can insert page controls like Check boxes, Drop-down list boxes, Edit boxes, Push buttons, Images, Secondary pages etc into a Grid.  Note. When designing grids, use prompts in place of drop-down list boxes for better performance.

10 Understand Grids Continued Overview:  When you accept the default settings of grids, the grid appears with : A data navigation bar at the top of the table that enables the user to page through additional rows of data. Delete and Add buttons at the end of each row that enable the user to insert and delete rows in the grid. The inserted row appears under the current row. These buttons appear automatically as determined by the grid properties (display-only, no row insert, and no row delete). An occurs count of 1. You can set the grid to be any size at design time and then set the occurs count to control the maximum number of rows to display at runtime.

11 Understand Grids Continued Let us design a page having a grid.

12 Understand Grids Table Structure

13 Understand Grids Continued Insert the Grid from Page controls. Create a record in database whose parameters are to be shown in the Grid. Insert the fields of record into the Grid and do alignments. Each field in the Grid is now using that record. Set the Occurs Level and Occur Count of the Grid.

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