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SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND FRATERIZATION CPL 0207. SEXUAL HARASSMENT DISCRIMINATORY behavior that erodes morale discipline and if not eliminated can have have.

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Presentation on theme: "SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND FRATERIZATION CPL 0207. SEXUAL HARASSMENT DISCRIMINATORY behavior that erodes morale discipline and if not eliminated can have have."— Presentation transcript:


2 SEXUAL HARASSMENT DISCRIMINATORY behavior that erodes morale discipline and if not eliminated can have have an adverse effect on mission readiness. SEXUAL HARASSMENT DEFINED: A form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

3 MARINE CORP POLICY ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT Commanders responsibilities: To ensure the contents of MCO 5300.10A are brought to the attention of all military members and civilian employees. Conduct training. Prevention of sexual harassment is a leadership responsibility.

4 VIOLATIONS OF THE UCMJ When sexual harassment occurs the UCMJ is violated. An example would be. When threats are made to elicit sexual favors this is communicating a threat and is chargeable under article 134. Other articles may include 89, 91, 117, 120, 127, 128, 133 and 138.

5 Red light, Yellow light, Green Light system

6 KEY TERMS OF HARASSMENT. 1.CAREER OR EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS: 2.CONDITION: You do this for me and I’ll get you that.  ??? 3.SEX DISCRIMINATION : Illegal treatment of a person or group based on handicap, race, color, national origin, age,religion, or sex.

7 KEY TERMS OF HARASSMENT HOSTILE ENVIROMENT: AN atmosphere that is offensive, intimidating, or abusive to another person. QUID PRO QUO: This for that To move up or down the ladder a chance to get ahead.PRO CONS. REASONABLE PERSON STANDARD: What is within reasonable standards. ?? POSTERS ?? CALANDERS ?? ART ?? JOKES.

8 KEY TERMS OF HARASSMENT RECIPIENT: ANYONE SUBJECT TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT. REPRISAL: A wrongful threatening against or withholding to report sexual harassment. ** PERVASIVE: EXAMPLES ARE; indecent assault or offensive request for sexual favors./// conduct that is REPEATED OR WIDESPREAD, or evidence of a pattern.

9 KEY TERMS OF HARASSMENT SEXUAL FAVORS: Sexual privileges that are granted in the work place. SEXUAL NATURE: Any thing that creates an offensive work environment. Examples ?????? UNWELCOME ADVANCES: When one person conveys to another unwelcome verbal comments that are offensive using a reasonable person standard. WORK ENVIRONMENT: An expansive term for military members and may include conduct 24./7.

10 Key terms of Sexual Harassment

11 THREE TYPES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT 1.VERBAL: A conscious effort. This must be done verbally.whistling and cat calls are verbal. 2.NONVERBAL: EXAMPLES MAY BE.Staring,visual aids, items in the office or work place, sexual oriented entertainment actual acts of teasing. 3.PHYSICAL ACTS: THE UNWELCOME ACT OF SEXUAL NATURE TO CONETITUE A VIOLATION OR POLICY.


13 IMPACT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT 2. ON THE MARINE CORPS:The only reason the Corps exists today is to fight and win wars.Everything else is secondary. Sexual Harassment affects the Corps in the following manner. LOW MORAL LOSS OF COHESION \ UNDERMINES READINESS DETRACTS FROM THE MISSION

14 IN THE EVENT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT In the event of sexual harassment the unit leader must take some form of action. Inform the chain of command. It may be possible to refer parties involved to supportive services such as: –Legal office, Employee Employment Opportunity Counselor (civilians), Family Service Center, Medical Treatment Facility or Chaplain.

15 INDIVIDUAL MARINE RESPONSIBILITIES Every Marine shares responsibility for maintaining proper behavior with one another so that everyone can contribute their best efforts to the accomplishment of the units mission.

16 Impacts of, violations of, and Responsibilities to Sexual Harassment

17 FRATERNIZATION Is a social or business relationship between Marines of different grades in violation of a custom of the Naval Service. Some possible examples of activities encompassed by the term fraternization are: –Playing cards or gambling together –Going to private homes or clubs together –Dating or engaging in sexual activities –Engaging in commercial transactions, except for one time sales or leases.


19 UCMJ Articles that are effected by the UCMJ may include 92, 133 and 134. Other forms of punishment may include non- punitive letter of caution, formal or informal counseling, transfer of one or both parties, fitness report comments, NJP and court martial.

20 Sexual Harassment and Fraternization

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