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 Each person will be ask to “pick a number” from the “Game Board” linking to a specific question about what was presented in the Book.  Each of these.

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Presentation on theme: " Each person will be ask to “pick a number” from the “Game Board” linking to a specific question about what was presented in the Book.  Each of these."— Presentation transcript:


2  Each person will be ask to “pick a number” from the “Game Board” linking to a specific question about what was presented in the Book.  Each of these questions are worth “points” and will be displayed when a question is “correctly answered”  Each player will have the opportunity to “PLAY” the question or “PASS” the question to a person within the class.  Questions can only be passed once!

3 A1 B2 C4 A3G3 A8 G6 I3 B1 A6 B4 B3 B6 F8 I6 B7 C1 C2 H7 H4 A5 G7 C6 C7 H2D2 D4G4 D5 F2 D8 D7 E1 F5 E4 E3 H5 E6 I7E7 F1 D6 F4 F3 E2 I5 F6 F7 G1 G2 D3 C5G5 A4 G8C8 H1 I2 I4 H3 B8 H6 H8 E5 I1D1 B5 A2 C3 A7 I8E8 The Game Board!

4  Senior management is responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of the business. A. True True B. False False

5  Operational-level manufacturing systems deal with the firm’s long-term manufacturing goals, such as where to locate a new plant. A. True True B. False False

6  Deciding whether to introduce a new product line is the responsibility of an operational manager. A. True True B. False False

7  Decision-support systems often use information from external sources. A. True True B. False False

8  Information supplied by an enterprise system is structured around cross-functional business processes. A. True True B. False False

9  Supply Chain Management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems. A. True True B. False False

10  Knowledge management systems are to gather and distribute the firm’s essential operational data, such as sales reports. A. True True B. False False

11  The five basic entities that make up any business are suppliers, customers, employees, products and services, and A. Its environment Its environment B. Manufacturing and production Manufacturing and production C. Sales and marketing Sales and marketing D. Invoices and payments Invoices and payments

12  Promoting the organization’s products or services is a responsibility of the __________function. A. Finance and accounting Finance and accounting B. Human resources Human resources C. Manufacturing and production Manufacturing and production D. Sales and marketing Sales and marketing

13  Checking for product quality is an activity associated with the __________ function. A. Finance and accounting Finance and accounting B. Human resources Human resources C. Manufacturing and production Manufacturing and production D. Sales and marketing Sales and marketing

14  Which of the following is a cross-functional business process? A. Hiring an employee Hiring an employee B. Identifying a customer Identifying a customer C. Fulfilling a customer order Fulfilling a customer order D. Creating an invoice Creating an invoice

15  Employees that assist with paperwork at all levels of the firm are called: A. Data workers Data workers B. Knowledge management Knowledge management C. Operational management Operational management D. Service workers Service workers

16  Key forces in a business’s immediate environment include: A. Regulations Regulations B. Technology Technology C. Economy Economy D. Politics Politics

17  Three principal levels of hierarchies within a business organization are: A. Management, knowledge workers, and service workers Management, knowledge workers, and service workers B. Senior management, middle management, and operational management Senior management, middle management, and operational management C. Management, data workers, and operational management Management, data workers, and operational management D. Senior management, operational management, and workers Senior management, operational management, and workers

18  A computerized system that performs and records the daily dealings necessary to conduct business is classified as a(n): A. Executive support system Executive support system B. Management-level system Management-level system C. Decision support system Decision support system D. Transaction-processing system Transaction-processing system

19  The term “management information systems” designates a specific category of information systems serving: A. Integrated data processing throughout the firm Integrated data processing throughout the firm B. Transaction process reporting Transaction process reporting C. Senior management Senior management D. Middle management functions Middle management functions

20  These systems are designed to summarize and report on the company’s basic operations. A. Management information systems Management information systems B. Decision-support systems Decision-support systems C. Executive information systems Executive information systems D. Transaction processing systems Transaction processing systems

21  ________ support making decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance. A. Management information systems Management information systems B. Transaction processing systems Transaction processing systems C. Executive support systems Executive support systems D. Decision-support systems Decision-support systems

22  Which type of system would you use to determine the five suppliers with the worst record in delivering goods on time? A. ESS ESS B. TPS TPS C. MIS MIS D. DSS DSS

23  These systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully predefined in advance. A. Management information systems Management information systems B. Transaction processing systems Transaction processing systems C. Decision-support systems Decision-support systems D. Knowledge management systems Knowledge management systems

24  Which type of system would you use to forecast the return on investment if you used new suppliers with better delivery track records? A. ESS ESS B. TPS TPS C. MIS MIS D. DSS DSS

25  Decision-support systems are also referred to as: A. business information systems. business information systems. B. business intelligence systems. business intelligence systems C. executive support systems. executive support systems. D. business model systems. business model systems.

26  Executive support systems are information systems that support the: A. long-range planning activities of senior management. long-range planning activities of senior management. B. knowledge and data workers in an organization. knowledge and data workers in an organization. C. decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers. decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers. D. day-to-day processes of production. day-to-day processes of production.

27  ESS are specifically designed to serve the ________ level of the organization. A. operational operational B. end-user end-user C. middle management middle management D. senior management senior management

28  Which type of system would you use to determine what trends in your supplier's industry will affect your firm the most in five years? A. ESS ESS B. TPS TPS C. MIS MIS D. DSS DSS

29  ________ systems often deliver information to senior executives through a portal. A. Transaction processing Transaction processing B. Executive support Executive support C. Management information Management information D. Decision-support Decision-support

30  These systems are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration. A. Decision-support systems Decision-support systems B. Management information systems Management information systems C. CRM CRM D. Enterprise applications Enterprise applications

31  What is the most important benefit of an enterprise application? A. Enabling speed of communicating. Enabling speed of communicating. B. Enabling business functions and departments to share information. Enabling business functions and departments to share information. C. Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers. Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers. D. Enabling cost-effective, e-business processes. Enabling cost-effective, e-business processes.

32  ________ systems integrate and share information from suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and logistics companies. A. Collaborative distribution Collaborative distribution B. Supply-chain management Supply-chain management C. Reverse logistics Reverse logistics D. Enterprise planning Enterprise planning

33  ________ systems provide information to coordinate all of the business processes that deal with customers in sales, marketing, and service to optimize revenue, customer satisfaction, and customer retention. A. CRM CRM B. MIS MIS C. ESS ESS D. CPS CPS

34  Which type of information system would an intranet be most easily adapted to? A. CRM CRM B. MIS MIS C. TPS TPS D. KMS KMS

35  Cell phones are one of the tools firms use to support teamwork and collaboration. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

36  Which of the following types of systems could be used to enable different firms to work collaboratively on a product? A. intranet intranet B. extranet extranet C. KMS KMS D. CRM CRM

37  Buying or selling goods over the Internet is called: A. e-commerce e-commerce B. e-business e-business C. an intranet an intranet D. an extranet an extranet

38  The use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called: A. e-commerce. e-commerce. B. e-business. e-business. C. enterprise applications. enterprise applications. D. MIS. MIS.

39 You have no Question as You are an instant winner of “2 Points” OK Try this! You can Do it!

40 You have no Question as You are an instant winner of “4 Points” Put your hands together!

41 You have no Question You are an instant WINNER of “6 Points” WAKE ME UP LATER!

42 You are an instant WINNER Select a Team and GIVE them the Gift of Points “8 Points” WOW! What a NICE Team! You get to have another question!

43 Take the points and Relax!

44  In a business environment, the focus of collaboration is to: A. accomplish the task at hand. accomplish the task at hand. B. provide a sense of community. provide a sense of community. C. foster better communication. foster better communication. D. prevent miscommunication. prevent miscommunication.

45  Which of the following tools is NOT one of the most important 15 types of collaboration software tools? A. screen sharing screen sharing B. video streaming video streaming C. video conferencing video conferencing D. e-mail and instant messaging e-mail and instant messaging

46  A wiki is a type of: A. social networking site. social networking site. B. blogging. blogging. C. video conferencing. video conferencing. D. Web site designed for collaborative writing and editing. Web site designed for collaborative writing and editing.

47  Second Life is an example of a: A. virtual world. virtual world. B. wiki. wiki. C. social networking site. social networking site. D. mind mapping tool. mind mapping tool.

48  The most widely used collaboration software tool used by very large firms is: A. Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes. B. Microsoft SharePoint. Microsoft SharePoint. C. Google Apps. Google Apps. D. Onehub. Onehub.

49  Which of the following collaboration tools would be appropriate for participants in separate locations who need to collaborate synchronously? A. blog blog B. team room team room C. electronic meeting software electronic meeting software D. group calendar group calendar

50  The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization is a(n): A. programmer. programmer. B. information systems manager. information systems manager. C. systems analyst. systems analyst. D. CIO. CIO.

51  A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. A. CEO CEO B. CFO CFO C. CIO CIO D. CIT CIT

52  ________ are representatives of departments outside of the information systems group for whom applications are developed. A. End users End users B. Marketing Users Marketing Users C. Customer Support Liaisons Customer Support Liaisons D. Middle Managers Middle Managers

53  Transaction processing systems are most commonly encountered at the senior management level of an organization. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

54  TPS help managers monitor the firm's relations with the external environment. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

55  A hotel reservation system is a typical example of a management information system. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

56  The decision to grant credit to a customer is normally made by a senior manager. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

57  Transaction processing systems are the basic business systems that serve the operational level of the organization. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

58  Management information systems primarily support nonroutine decision making. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

59  Most MISs use sophisticated mathematical models or statistical techniques.  TRUE TRUE  FALSE FALSE

60  ESSs are designed to serve the middle management of the organization. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

61  ESSs are designed to incorporate data about external events, but they also draw summarized information from internal MIS and DSS. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

62  ESSs are designed primarily to solve specific problems. A. TRUE TRUE B. FALSE FALSE

63 YOU RECEIVE NO POINTS I don’t Like You!

64 YOU RECEIVE NO POINTS What do you mean!


66 Your Answer is correct! Total Points 10

67 Your Answer is correct! Total Points 15 WE want YOU!

68 Your Answer is correct! Total Points 20 Now That’s Good!

69 YOU ARE a Winner!!! You Received 25 Points YOU taking to ME!

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