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Project on fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing

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1 Project on fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing
Ankit Wasankar

2 Topics to be covered What is fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing How the project implements it: working of the project encryption techniques for files encryption techniques for database N-Grams and jaccard implementation Increase search response with a new technique Technologies used in project

3 What is fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing
Fuzzy Search: approximate string matching Ex. Languaje will be corrected to language Scenario: User want search keyword language User misspelled it as languaje and clicked on search button Data in the database is in encrypted form. Now we will try to search the encrypted data for inputted keyword languaje. Which will converted to language and display result. This is the technique which will help us to match the keyword languaje with encrypted keywords in the database.

4 The Working of Project

5 Encryption Techniques
Base64 encode and decode for encrypting and decrypting files that will be uploaded to the server AES encryption for encrypting the N-Grams

6 N-Grams and Jaccard The code for creating N-Grams and jaccard are written in following files in project: Code snippet for N-Grams: EKS/application/libraries/ngram.php Code snippet for jaccard: EKS/controllers/user.php (in search function)

7 New Technique Suppose we have to store keyword: “language”
N-grams: lan ang ngu gua uag age Encrypted n-grams: thr yu7 tf5 7yt lk8 eer Storing thr into index_0 table (1st table) Storing yu7 into index_1 table (2nd table) Storing tf5 into index_2 table (3rd table) Storing 7yt into index_3 table and so on…. Rather than storing all n-grams into single table we are storing the first n-gram in first table, second n-gram in second table and so on. This will reduce the number of comparisons required to match the n-grams and hence faster the search results.

8 Technologies PHP MySQL Codeigniter PHP framework HTML, CSS


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