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Gun Crazy Terminales. Meeting point p 132 to p 147 Final task:

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Presentation on theme: "Gun Crazy Terminales. Meeting point p 132 to p 147 Final task:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gun Crazy Terminales. Meeting point p 132 to p 147 Final task:
Participate to a debate about the question of guns in the USA.

2 Historical explanations
Contextual reasons consequences Historical explanations laws Possible evolution Mass killings 2nd amendment Self-defense Wild West property protect

3 CO video: Bowling for Columbine
A brief history of the USA 1/ CO 2/ Gp work: CE on the script

4 Warm up ! Warm up Non-Violence is a bronze sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd of an oversized revolver with a knotted barrel and the muzzle pointing upwards. Carl made this sculpture after singer, songwriter and peace activist John Lennon was murdered.

5 Photo by Bill Owens, Suburbia

6 Complete the recap / photo
This _______________ of Richie, a young boy hold____ a gun, is extremely ________. In the _______________, we can see a quiet, normal-looking suburban street lined with houses, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. However, the focus of the image is Richie, who doesn’t look any older than _____or ________, sitting on his “Big Wheel” toy, with one arm on the handlebars and the other _______________ __ _________. I find this surprising, as I have never lived in a community where _____________a gun is the norm, never mind one where children are _______________to use them. The juxtaposition of the middle-class s__________ setting and the dangerous weapon in the boy’s hand is very striking. The __________ on Richie’s face suggests that holding a gun is not something that he finds unusual, exciting or scary.

7 News: schools, social networks and guns
Anticipation: guess what might have happened News article and video (2mn)

8 The right to bear arms and the consequences of exercising it.

9 Productions possibles
a. This document shows the statistics regarding gun crime; specifically the number of people killed annually due to gun crime in various countries around the world. There is also a slogan across the centre of the poster, which reads “God Bless America”. We can’t help noticing the slogan in the middle of the poster just above an image of a revolver decorated in the American flag. There is also a campaign logo in the bottom left-hand corner of the poster to discourage the use of guns in the United States. b. The target audience of the poster is the American public. I know this because guns are a big part of American culture which is demonstrated by the significantly higher statistic regarding the number of fatalities due to gun crime in the States compared to anywhere else mentioned on the poster, as well as the obvious use of the American flag printed onto the gun. c. The campaigner’s goals are to highlight the severity of the matter of gun crime in the United States in particular. They wish to point out the fact that there are significantly more deaths in America caused by gun crime than there are anywhere else in the world. He or she points this out in order to encourage people to stop resorting to using guns. d. I believe the message to be effective since it is very simple. A more violent or gory image would perhaps be more shocking and effective for many reasons, but as it stands, this image sets out the facts literally. There are no embellishments; just the absolute truth. I therefore believe that it is effective and the message is clearly and concisely communicated to the target audience.

10 Vocabulary: organize it!
Campaigns Laws Statistics Deducing meaning Taking a stand

11 Dear America CE / Gun pb

12 PROS AND CONS CO / arguments Videos / gun control
Which arguments do they put forward / illustrate? Debate: defend your opinion, take a stand

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