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1 SCUSD Leadership Institute: Charting the Course Together August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SCUSD Leadership Institute: Charting the Course Together August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SCUSD Leadership Institute: Charting the Course Together August 2014

2 Agenda Welcome/Introductions SCUSD Board President Darrel Woo Superintendent Comments Lunch Break SEL and Common Core Training 2

3 Welcome new staff! 3

4 Welcome: SCUSD Board President Darrel Woo 4

5 Personal Story 5

6 6

7 Vision “Together we create a service-oriented culture of excellence where success for each student and all relationships reflect our core values.” 7

8 Core Values Achievement by All Collaboration Relationships Integrity (Transparency) Creativity/Innovation Service Compassion Personal and Professional Development 8

9 What are your hopes and dreams for our students? Vision: Group Activity, Shared Goals 9

10 What are your hopes, dreams, goals for our students? Each group members completes a quick-write in response to this question. (Three minutes.) At the end of three minutes, group members share their writing with a partner. (Six minutes.) Groups share out with the rest of the room. 10

11 Leadership Style Student-centered Collaborative Servant leader Equity/Access Celebrating successes Reflective decision maker 11

12 The Year Ahead 12

13 Foci of Work Common Core – Strong Instructional Leadership Social-Emotional Learning Equity/Culture/Discipline Process Building Systems/Processes New Strategic Plan Communication 13

14 “School District Leadership that Works” (Waters and Marzano) 1.District-level leadership matters 2.Effective Superintendents focus their efforts on creating goal-oriented districts 3.Collaborative goal-setting 4.Non-negotiable goals for achievement & instruction 5.Board alignment and support of goals 6.Monitoring of goals for achievement & instruction 7.Use of resources to support achievement & instructional goals 14

15 Commitment to Leadership Listening 15

16 Commitment to Leadership Central office will support schools Continuous learning/improvement Focus Patient, thoughtful decision-making Collaborative approach 16

17 Collaboration: Group Activity “Collaboration is the keystone of leadership success.” Forbes Magazine Examine the 10 Indicators of Effective Collaboration. Discuss them with your table partners. Engage in self-reflection: o Which ones are most prominent at your school? o Which ones will better serve as leverage towards building a high-performing collaborative culture? 17

18 Acknowledgements Passionate, hard-working and committed staff Everyone has a full plate/doing more with less Uncertainty and anxiety come with change Limited resources 18

19 Successes 19

20 Successes 20

21 Successes Principal Networks (PLCs) Online SBAC Field Testing Continued Implementation of Common Core Site and District LCAP Engagement Youth Development: Summer, After-School, Student Voice and Engagement 21

22 Successes Facilities Bond Projects: Rosemont Track and Field 22

23 Successes Facilities Bond Projects: John Morse Therapeutic Center 23

24 Challenges Enrollment Decline 24

25 Challenges Budget Turnover in Staff New Achievement Data Technology Infrastructure, Capacity and Systems Lack of Collaborative Time 25

26 26 Challenges: Video

27 Challenges: Group Activity Discuss at your table: What was necessary to make the challenge highlighted in this video a success? Think of a situation where this same approach was used to create a successful outcome? 27

28 Opportunities Strategic Plan – Redesign/Reset Whole Child Policy – SEL, School Climate and Culture, Discipline Practices and Policies SDIP/LCAP/Budget Process Alignment Parent and Community Engagement 28

29 Opportunities (Cont’d) Re-Engage Labor Partners Further Develop Customer Service/Rebranding Teaching and Learning as the Driver Benchmark Assessments 29

30 Opportunities: Group Activity 30

31 Opportunities: Group Activity “Believing in students is not simply telling them that you believe in them. These words matter only if they are true and if you demonstrate them by your actions. There is no way to fake it, because kids have built in cr*p detectors, and they can tell if you don't mean it.” Dr. Richard Curwin 31

32 Opportunities: Group Activity Discuss at your table: What actions can SCUSD take as a District to demonstrate to students that we believe in their ability to be successful? What actions can you take at your site to demonstrate this? 32

33 33 Closing Remarks

34 Questions? 34

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