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SPECTRUM STRATEGY & VISION ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014 Raffi Khatcherian EUROCONTROL DPS/POL Spectrum Management SESAR WP15.01.06 Spectrum Project.

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1 SPECTRUM STRATEGY & VISION ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014 Raffi Khatcherian EUROCONTROL DPS/POL Spectrum Management SESAR WP15.01.06 Spectrum Project Manager

2 ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 20142 Spectrum Aviation CNS Enabler  Spectrum is not an aviation business product but an important enabler  CNS cannot operate without spectrum  Spectrum is key to the development of future aeronautical systems  Aviation needs principles and practices designed to support the long term sustainability of aeronautical spectrum to meet all potential future needs

3 ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014 Facts and Future Tendency  Spectrum demand is higher than the offer  Increasing IMT demand  Cost of Spectrum  Market mechanisms to regulate spectrum allocations  Share spectrum with non aviation users  Risk of being obliged to use non protected spectrum for aviation safety of life services  Reduced possibility to get the most adequate spectrum to support aviation growth 3

4 Possible Responses  Do nothing,  “It is not within our remit”  “Others decide for aviation; they need aviation”  Defend aviation spectrum at all costs  “Nobody can question spectrum allocated to aviation”  Adapt to the evolving spectrum situation  Reach a win-win solution ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 20144

5 5 SESAR Spectrum Vision and Strategy  Long-term sustainability of aeronautical radio spectrum  Secure the most adequate spectrum for future traffic growth  Coherent CNS architecture  Spectrum efficient systems  CNS R&D Holistic inter-discipline support in spectrum matters  No additional spectrum to support future traffic growth  State-of-the-art technology in a timely and safe manner  Cost effectiveness through the overall life cycl  Identifying sunset closes of legacy systems  Avoiding the retention of obsolete and redundant systems

6 ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014 SESAR Spectrum Vision and Strategy  Guidance to CNS systems manufacturers to address spectrum issues at the right point within the design phase  Designed-in:  Mechanisms to catch up with technology  Cost effective technological evolutions  Minimize the transition timeframe and impact  Synchronisation of ground, space and airborne investment cycles  Net benefit spread across all stakeholders  Reduced overall live cycle cost 6

7 Way forward  Worldwide approach  Aviation’s decision makers to work together  Involve all aviation stakeholders  Structured approach  Agreed timeline  Global implementation plan cascaded down into:  Regional and National plans  Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and  Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 20147

8 Conclusion  Aviation Spectrum Vision and Strategy to be effective needs to be adopted at Worldwide level  ICAO has a major role  Invite aviation to play more active role in the preparation of States’ positions to WRC  Invite ACP WG-F members to review they National plans in accordance with GANP, ASBU and the Spectrum Vision and Strategy ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 20148

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