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Worm Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 PlatyhelminthesNematodaAnnelidaPicturesCycles.

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2 Worm Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 PlatyhelminthesNematodaAnnelidaPicturesCycles Final Jeopardy

3 Members of Phylum Platyhelminthes are collectively known as what? 2

4 Flatworms 3

5 4 All flukes must pass through what kind of intermediate host during their lifecycles?

6 5 Snails

7 6 Tapeworms are members of which Platyhelminthes Class?

8 7 Cestiodea

9 8 Planarians are members of which Platyhelminthes Class?

10 9 Turbellaria

11 10 Why must all flatworms be flat?

12 11 Due to a lack of a circulatory or respiratory system, they must be flat so oxygen can diffuse throughout their bodies

13 12 Members of Phylum Nematoda are collectively known as what?

14 13 Roundworms

15 14 What kind of body plan do all Nematodes possess?

16 15 Pseudocoelom

17 16 What part of your body was first developed by Nematodes?

18 17 Anus

19 What is the purpose of the Nematode non-cellular cuticle? 18

20 19 It allows the worm to live in virtually any environment

21 What is Eutely? 20

22 21 Eutely is when every member of a particular species contains the exact number of cells in their body (this is very rare)

23 22 Members of Phylum Annelida are collectively known as what?

24 23 Segmented worms

25 24 What is the name for the thin, internal divisions between metameres in Annelids?

26 25 Septa (Septum is singular)

27 26 Which Annelid class contains organisms such as tubeworms, fireworms, sandworms, and lugworms?

28 27 Class Polychaeta

29 28 Which Annelid class contains the leeches?

30 29 Class Hirudinea

31 30 What is the difference between parapodia and setae

32 31 Parapodia are the fleshy, leg-like protrusions on polychaetes that are used for locomotion. Setae are small hairs that most Annelids possess and are used primarily for respiration and protection

33 32 What type of body plan is pictured below?

34 33 Pseudocoelomate

35 34 The head of a certain worm is pictured below. What kind of worm is this?

36 35 Tapeworm

37 36 What is the name of the worm pictured below?

38 37 Hookworm

39 38 What is the name of the worm pictured below and in what Annelid class does it reside?

40 39 Worm – Fireworm Class – Polychaeta

41 40 What is the name of the disease and the worm that gives you the disease pictured below?

42 41 Disease – Elephantiasis Worm – Wuschereria

43 42 What type of common childhood worm exhibits the lifecycle shown below?

44 37 Pinworm

45 44 What is the most common way to catch Trichina worms and Tapeworms?

46 45 Eating undercooked pork

47 46 What do the wuschereria, loa loa, and heart worms have in common?

48 47 They are all transmitted via an insect vector

49 48 How do you catch the Guinean Fire Worm?

50 49 By drinking water that contains copepods infected with the worm larvae

51 50 What worm lifecycle is pictured below?

52 51 Chinese liver fluke

53 52 Write out the Ascaris lifecycle using only 4 or 5 steps

54 53 1.Eat/drink something containing Ascaris eggs 2.Larvae hatch in intestines, move to bloodstream, and break into lung alveioli 3.Cough up larvae & swallow back to intestines 4.Mature to adults during 2 nd trip to intestines 5.Adults lay eggs that are passed in feces

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