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REDUX: Remakes, Revivals and Recreations 12 th Annual CASE Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "REDUX: Remakes, Revivals and Recreations 12 th Annual CASE Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 REDUX: Remakes, Revivals and Recreations 12 th Annual CASE Conference

2 The Smart Purchasing A Government-to-Government Solution Nationwide Cooperative Purchasing Program Presented By: Ronnie Barnes, Program Mgr Date: 10 June 2015

3 Partnering with HGACBuy


5 What is HGACBuy? HGACBuy is a program of the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments. A political sub-division of the state of Texas. HGACBuy is a nationwide cooperative purchasing program HGACBuy has been providing procurement services to governmental and non-profit entities for over 40 years Our contracts have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive BID or RFP process in compliance with government purchasing statutes Program Facts

6 Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act "Any local government may contract or agree with one or more local governments to perform a governmental function or service including the purchase of goods and services under the terms of this Act”. The Act was later amended to include "…a non-profit corporation created and operated to provide one or more governmental functions and services”. (Texas Government Code, Title 7, Chapter 791)

7 Types of Participating Members Municipalities Counties Councils of Governments Schools and School Districts Colleges & Universities Hospitals & Hospital Districts Emergency Services Districts Rural Fire Prevention Districts Volunteer Fire Departments Emergency Medical Services Not for Profit Corporations providing 1 or more government function Utility Districts (MUDs, WCIDs, Irrigation, etc.) Special Districts Authorities (Airport, Port, River, Water, Toll Road, etc.) State Agencies Judicial Courts & Districts Special Law Enforcement Jurisdictions

8 Partnering with HGACBuy


10 What are the benefits of membership in HGACBuy?

11 Expedited procurement

12 Volume purchasing discounts

13 Personal and Professional Customer Service

14 Marketing partner/Co-branding


16 Why HGACBuy over other Cooperatives?

17 Partnering with HGACBuy Trust Outstanding Customer Service Ease of process to meet requirements

18 Partnering with HGACBuy HGACBuy Program line: 800-926-0234

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