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Insights, Tasks and Responsibilities of Universities in Innovation “Food-chain” Vojtěch Adam Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels,

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Presentation on theme: "Insights, Tasks and Responsibilities of Universities in Innovation “Food-chain” Vojtěch Adam Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insights, Tasks and Responsibilities of Universities in Innovation “Food-chain” Vojtěch Adam Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium


3 Innovation is a new idea, device or process. The term innovation can be defined as something original and, as a consequence, new, that "breaks into" the market or society. Innovation Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

4 Innovation “Food-Chain” Triple “I” Public Interest Money Investor Idea Inventor Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

5 Czech Innovation “Food-Chain” Idea Inventor Large pool of scientists Less experienced in protecting of intellectual property Well funded by EU Operational Funds – Unique equipment Low number of success stories – Less experienced Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

6 Czech Innovation “Food-Chain” Very low interest Obstacles on the side of research institutes and universities Not-doing industry driven research CHALLENGE Money Investor Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

7 Czech Innovation “Food-Chain” Support! Scientists are doing good things, however, the knowledge of known Czech scientists is limited Increasing interest of media Very good reputation Public Interest Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

8 University and Innovation Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium An university as a centre of research, development and education. Besides very few exceptions, we have up to ten years history in technology transfer. Great direct (funds) and indirect (taxes) support of these activities in Czech Republic.

9 European Research Area Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium Low number of projects including innovative ones funded by Frame Programmes and European Research Council with Czech participants. This can be applied for both basic and applied research. ?

10 Chance Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium Networking

11 MENDELU Mission Crossing the Innovation Divide, 8 th October, 2014, Brussels, Belgium To define competitive teams To promote them. To help with networking activities Not to tell them so called „Submit a project“!

12 Thank you very much for your attention

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