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Soil: Foundation for Land Ecosystems

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1 Soil: Foundation for Land Ecosystems
Chapter 8 Soil: Foundation for Land Ecosystems Copyright © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.

2 8.1 - Global Trend: Where Did All the Farms Go?
Poor farming practices = loss of soils and farmland. Erosion Salinization Development in United States = loss of 1.4 million acres of farmland per year.

3 Why a Study of Soil Is Important
90% of the world’s food comes from land-based agriculture. Maintenance of soil is the cornerstone of sustainable civilizations. Simply stated, it is the “foundation” of terrestrial life.

4 Soil Ecosystem: Distinguishing Characteristics – Part 1
Slow rate of nutrient and energy transfer Few months: tropical rainforest Few years: temperate forests Different textures demand different adaptations, e.g., worms and pocket gophers Near total reliance on decomposers

5 Soil Ecosystem: Distinguishing Characteristics – Part 2
Exclusive use of detritus for energy and nutrients Extreme susceptibility to disturbance and slow recovery times

6 Topsoil Formation

7 Soil Formation and Nutrient Uptake
(click to view animation) Soil Formation

8 Soil Profile

9 Soil Particles Sand - largest, can see with naked eye, 2 mm to 0.02 mm
Silt - medium, 0.02 mm to mm Clay - very fine, smaller than mm

10 Soil Texture Soil texture refers to the percentage of each type of particle found in the soil. Loam soil is approximately 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay.

11 Soil Texture Triangle

12 Soil Formation and Nutrient Uptake
Nutrient Availability (click to view animation) Nutrient Availability


14 Water Transport by Transpiration

15 Plant-soil-water Relationships

16 Productive Soil Good supply of nutrients and nutrient-holding capacity (limits leaching) Infiltration, good water-holding capacity, resists evaporative water loss Porous structure for aeration (avoid compaction) Near-neutral pH Low salt content

17 The Soil Community: The 5% Organic Component

18 Humus Partly decomposed organic matter
High capacity for holding water and nutrients Typically found in O horizon

19 Humus and Development of Soil Structure

20 8.2 - The Importance of Humus to Topsoil

21 GLADSOD Global assessment of soil degradation map (1987-1990)
No global data on soils existed at the time Informal surveys (not very accurate) Very few actual samples collected GLADSOD estimated that desertification had occurred on 20% of the land worldwide Current estimates closer to 10%

22 Erosion: Wind or Water Splash erosion: impact of falling raindrops breaks up the clumpy structure of topsoil Sheet erosion: running water carries off the fine particles on the soil surface Gully erosion: water volume and velocity carries away large quantities of soil causing gullies (next slide)


24 Desertification Formation and expansion of degraded areas of soil and vegetation cover in arid, semiarid, and seasonally dry areas, caused by climatic variations and human activities.

25 Formation of Desert Pavement

26 Formation of Desert Pavement

27 Dryland Areas Cover one-third of Earth’s land area
Defined by precipitation not temperature United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Fund projects to reverse land degradation In 2003, $500 million available in grants to fund projects

28 Desertification

29 Three Major Practices That Expose Soil to Erosion
Overcultivation - planting crops/farming Overgrazing - from livestock Deforestation - cleared for farming or construction

30 Causes of Soil Degradation

31 Alternative Farming Practices That Conserve Soil
No-till planting - kill weeds chemically, then plant and add fertilizer Contour farming - right angle to slope Shelter belts - trees around fields Dry land farming – minimize irrigation Crop Rotation – especially legume vs. non-legume

32 Contour Farming

33 Shelterbelts

34 Irrigation Flood irrigation (next slide)
Center-pivot irrigation (Chapter 7) Can extract as much as 10,000 gallons/minute Irrigated lands 67 million acres or one-fifth of all cultivated crop land in the United States 667 million acres worldwide, a 35% increase over the past 30 years

35 Flood Irrigation

36 Salinization A process of distilling out dissolved salts in irrigated water and leaving it on the land A form of desertification since land is rendered useless Worldwide an estimated 3.7 million acres of agricultural land are lost annually to salinization and waterlogging

37 8.3 - Public Policy and Soils
Soil and Water Conservation Act of aid landowners and users; evaluate U.S. soils, water, and related resources Food Security Act (1985) - “Swampbuster” - discouraged conversion of wetlands Subsidies Numerous Farm Bills

38 Conserving the Soil Cover the soil - cover crop
Minimal or zero tillage Mulch for nutrients Maximize biomass production Maximize biodiversity


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