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Coastal management.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal management

2 Coastal defence (management) against flooding and erosion.

3 What are the main types of soft and hard engineering used on the coastline of the UK? (Coastal defences) Advantages and disadvantages of these techniques

4 Definitions Soft engineering: method of coastal management which works with natural processes at work on the coastline and to be unobstructive (unnoticeable) visually. It does not involve major construction. Hard engineering: method of coastal management which involves major construction work.

5 Hard engineering

6 Rip-rap

7 Recurved sea wall

8 Groynes

9 Gabions

10 Offshore reef

11 Revetments

12 Soft engineering

13 Beach replenishment


15 Cliff regrading

16 Case Study Swanage In Dorset on the south coast of England
• Describe how the coast is managed in a named location. • Consider the costs and benefits of different approaches to protecting the coast in a named location. Swanage In Dorset on the south coast of England


18 Location of examples Swanage Bay Peveril Point Durlston Bay

19 In Durlston Bay, erosion mainly occurs at one particular point, where there was a major weakness in the resistant limestone rock. There were three methods used to protect the cliffs from erosion (recession): Cliff regrading – extending it forward, making slope longer and less steep. Reduces the risk of mass movement. Drainage – removing excess water, so slope wasn’t as heavy or lubricated after rain. Reduces the risk of mass movement and freeze-thaw weathering. Rip rap placement – Large boulders at the base of the cliff to resist wave attack and dissipate wave energy.

20 Swanage Bay This is a popular recreational area for beach users, diving, fishing and sailing. Erosion occurred along a considerable length of cliff. The town has been developed on soft eroding cliffs and annual falls & slips have left some properties, such as The Pines Hotel, very close to the cliff top. Swanage landslide caught on camera Coastal management issues: The potential impact of any coastal defence works on Swanage's tourism and the aesthetic and landscape quality of the coastline. Photo Gallery

21 SEA WALL Built in the 1920s and provided a promenade as well as a barrier to wave attack.

22 Sea Walls

23 The most cost effective method was found to be the replacement of the 1930s groynes and replenishment of the beach sediment. Groynes A series of mainly timber groynes were installed in the 1930s, and eighteen of them have been replaced in 2005 with new ones. These reduced longshore drift and help make sure that a beach remained in place to absorb the energy of breaking waves.

24 Beach replenishment In November of 2005, 90,000 m3 of sand was deposited on the beach. The beach will need to be recharged with around 40,000m3 of sand every 20 years. This works with the groynes to ensure a good size beach. The works were finally completed in June 2006 at an estimated cost of £2.2 million.

25 Cliff regrading A series of steps were made in the cliff to reduce slope angles


27 However: January 1st, 2013 Dorset Coastguard have restricted access to Swanage beach and the South West Coastal Paths, after heavy rains over the holiday period caused further mudslides and cliff subsidence in Swanage.

28 Coastal recession (when the coast is eroded and retreats)
What are the effects of coastal recession on people and the environment? Coastal recession (when the coast is eroded and retreats)

29 The effects of coastal recession on people and the environment
Amount of effect is determined by the land use. Use for settlement>farmland

30 Explain the effects of coastal recession on people and the environment
Explain the effects of coastal recession on people and the environment. Use examples in your answer. (6)

31 North Norfolk coast

32 Managed retreat/Hold the line policies?
Managed retreat is an alternative to constructing or maintaining coastal structures. Managed retreat allows an area to become flooded. Hold the (existing defence) line – to build or maintain artificial defences so that the position of the shoreline remains. Use of hard and soft engineering

33 Cliff recession along the North Norfolk coast
Why has The North Norfolk coast’s new Shoreline management Plan adapted a managed retreat rather than ‘hold the line’ policy? Erosion has always been a problem on the Norfolk coast because of its soft rock geology and its long fetch (Destructive/high energy waves)High rate of erosion. Erosion rates are between one and three metres per year, so it has become increasingly difficult and expensive to continue protecting certain locations - and trying to do so makes erosion worse in other areas along the coast. This will get worse as the effects of climate change increase.

34 Predicted impacts on people
What will be lost to the sea over the next 100 years? Nearly 1000 homes 1400 caravan and chalet parks Six hotels and guest houses Seven historic buildings 3.5 km of road Seven golf course holes Three community halls

35 Happisburg (North Norfolk coast)
Village of Happisburg (population= 850) Factors which explain high rates of erosion in this area: Geology: Cliff made of soft rock (clay, gravel and sand deposited by glaciers) No sea defences: 1958: use of revetments to reduce coastal erosion. From 1995 no repairing of coastal defences high rates of erosion. Government has refused to protect the village because it is not cost effective: the village is less valuable than the cost of the defences to protect it.

36 Coastal recession at Happisburg

37 Watch! Living with coastal erosion in Happisburgh, East Anglia (1)

38 Coastal recession along Beach Road

39 4 impacts on people Loss of homes Since 1995: 25 properties and the village’s lifeboat launching station washed away. Loss of value Houses worth £80,000 when the coast was defended, are now valued at 1£. No insurance of property against coastal erosion Erosion-related stress and depression

40 2 impacts on the environment
Loss of land: At Durlston Bay near Swanage the cliff receded 12 metres between 1968 and In 200/01 severe storms and high energy waves led to a further retreat of another 12 metres. Loss of natural habitats Durlston County Park also lies on the top and is home to over 250 species of birds that nest on the cliff. These habitats are threatened by cliff recession, which can affect the breeding of rare species such as puffins and falcons.

41 Causes of coastal flooding
Coastal flooding occurs when normally dry, low-lying land is flooded by sea water Causes of coastal flooding How are the effects of coastal flooding reduced by prediction and prevention?

42 Causes of coastal flooding
Severe weather: Strong winds and storms which can increase the height of waves and tides. Storm surge: A storm surge is an offshore rise of water associated with a low pressure weather system*, typically tropical cyclones. Storm surges are caused by high winds pushing on the ocean's surface. The wind causes the water to pile up higher than the ordinary sea level. *A low-pressure area, low or depression, is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower than that of surrounding locations Sea level rise Coastal flooding associated with sea level rise will become a significant issue into the next 100 years.

43 Storm Surge

44 How are the effects of coastal flooding reduced by prediction and prevention?
This should be studied through forecasting, building design, planning and education

45 Forecasting UK (HIC): The Met Office predicts (forecasts) the likelihood of a flood. The information gets to householders through weather forecasts and news broadcasts on the TV and radio. It is also on their website. The Environment Agency monitors sea conditions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Forecasts of coastal flooding are provided on a 24-hour Flood hotline. Bangladesh (LIC): The Meteorological Department has three radar stations that transmit weather updates. The Bangladesh Disaster Bureau also issues cyclone alerts through the national media as soon as a cyclone is detected by satellites.

46 Coastal flooding can be predicted. Justify this statement
Coastal flooding can be predicted. Justify this statement. (3) As well as the monitoring which is being done by the Met Office, the Environment Agency also monitors sea conditions over a 24 hour period, 365 days a year. The Storm Tide Forecasting Service provides the Environment Agency with forecasts of coastal flooding which the Environment Agency communicates to the public via their website or phone line


48 Describe how building design can reduce the effects of coastal flooding. Use examples in your answer. (4) Building design – homes on stilts, waterproofing measures Planning – land use zoning; allow reference to defence if linked to planning, evacuation (e.g. monitoring by Environment Agency). Allow forecasting as part of planning. E.g. In LICs coastal homes in areas prone to flooding are designed with stilts (1). Therefore when flooding occurs possessions are not destroyed as the water is able to pass below the home (1).

49 Planning UK: Before building takes place a full check must be made to ensure that the area is not prone to flooding. Planning permission will not be granted if it is. The Thames Flood Barrier was completed in However, new flood walls along the river and many other flood defence techniques will be installed to protect the London area against flooding. (See photo of the Thames Flood Barrier on blog) Bangladesh: The Coastal Embankment project has led to the building of 12 sea-facing flood walls and 500 flood shelters.

50 The Thames Flood Barrier
The Thames Barrier is one of the worlds largest flood barriers and serves to protect London from flooding during exceptionally high tides and storm surges.The Barrier can be lifted at high tide to prevent sea waters flooding London

51 Flood shelters

52 Explain how education can reduce the effects of coastal flooding
Explain how education can reduce the effects of coastal flooding. Use examples in your answer. (4) Education UK: The government gives advice to the public via its website. There is general advice on how to protect their homes from flooding and what to do if a flood occurs. UK: Environmental Agency page: Prepare your property for flooding. Bangladesh is integrating education about disaster preparedness into school curricula for grades three through ten. Schools practice safety programs and drills nationwide in March and October. The country has already had an effective warning system for more than four decades. In 2007 Cyclone Sidr struck Bangladesh and killed about 3,000 people. It was estimated that the cyclone warning system helped saved 100,000 lives.

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