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Fit for Work Service – Working for GPs Dr Sundar Thava BSc (Hons) MBBS MSt (Cantab) MRCSI MRCS (Eng) MRCGP MSB CBIO 22nd October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Fit for Work Service – Working for GPs Dr Sundar Thava BSc (Hons) MBBS MSt (Cantab) MRCSI MRCS (Eng) MRCGP MSB CBIO 22nd October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fit for Work Service – Working for GPs Dr Sundar Thava BSc (Hons) MBBS MSt (Cantab) MRCSI MRCS (Eng) MRCGP MSB CBIO 22nd October 2014

2 Presentation- Overview What is the Fit for Work Service? Why do we need it? How will it add value to my practice? 2

3 Introduction

4 Objectives of Service To address the negative impact of sickness on the state Offer GP’s expert support Reduce length of sickness absences Prevent fallout from work onto benefits Increase understanding of benefits of work 4

5 What is the Fit for Work Service? DWP Funded Early Intervention Initiative National Occupational Health support: GP’s, employers & employees Advice line + Assessments- by qualified experts Launches from Dec 2014 5

6 The Bio-Psycho-Social Model Presentation title6

7 The Referral Process Presentation title7

8 The Referral Step-up, step down and case management 8

9 Why do we need it? What are the anticipated benefits?

10 Potential Benefits Expert occupational advice Opportunity to practice holistically Preservation of Doctor- Patient relationship No requirement for fit cert while in system Reduced consultation rates Greater patient satisfaction 10

11 Unemployment perpetuates poor health 11 Diminishes quality of life Condemns workless family to cycle of poverty Exacerbates inequalities in our society Drives social injustice Perpetuates child poverty

12 Presentation to CCG Wider benefits to society and state Growing awareness of generally beneficial for people’s health Currently, over 130 million days are lost to sickness absence every year, negatively impacting individuals, employers and the State It is estimated employers would save £100 million a year in sick pay costs through Fit for Work, with an increased economic output of £150 million a year 12

13 Thank you

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