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Civilizations Emerge Discovering Our Past Page 68

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1 Civilizations Emerge Discovering Our Past Page 68
Introduce Map Activity Have students open their textbooks to page 68 –heading Civilizations Emerge. As they find the page, you can review how the development of farming allowed people to settle in one area and begin job specialization.

2 What do all of the civilizations shown have in common?
More complex cultures called civilizations began to develop during the late Neolithic Age. What do all of the civilizations shown have in common?

3 Around 3000 B.C., these four civilizations developed in river valleys.
Have students read to discover the first characteristic that all civilizations had in common was that they developed along rivers. Show one civilization at a time and have student volunteers locate the civilization on the map as you review the rivers they developed along. Remember to have students repeat the names of the rivers and civilizations because many students have difficulty with pronouncing them. Textbook page 68

4 Mesopotamia, “the cradle of civilization”
Mesopotamia developed in what is present day Iraq in SW Asia. When you reveal the political map showing Iraq, you can point out the two rivers that are partly covered by clouds on the satellite view. The observation that you are looking for is that this is a desert area. Remember that Mr. Lott taught us that people in desert came together along the rivers because that is where water was available. As opposed to the Mississippi Valley in North America and the Amazon River in South America where water was readily available so that people could settle throughout the area. What does the satellite picture reveal about Southwest Asia?

5 Mesopotamia, “the cradle of civilization”
What does it mean to be the “cradle of civilization”? Natural Resources Remember to encourage students to go to the on-line textbook to review and learn more information that we can present in class. Remind students that the on-line textbook is available in Spanish and can be read to the students in English or Spanish. The more often you hear information, the more likely you will remember it. Water for crops and people Fertile soil Fish

6 Because much of the Fertile Crescent is a desert, the people who live there depend on irrigation to raise their crops. Mesopotamia

7 Map Practice Early civilizations developed in river valleys because of available natural resources. By the beginning of the Bronze Age—around 3,000 BCE—four great river civilizations emerged with similar characteristics.

8 What have we learned? Early civilizations developed in river valleys because of available natural resources. Our goal will be to analyze documents to find common characteristics early civilizations shared.

9 Flipped class HW: work with a partner to answer questions using your map.
This activity will help you be better able to extend what you are learning to other civilizations. (Level 4 on learning scale)

10 1. The source of river is where it begins.

11 2. The mouth of river is where it flows into a larger body of water.
The Persian Gulf is at the mouth of the Tigris River.

12 3. The mouth of river is where it flows into a larger body of water.
The mouth of the Nile River is in the Mediterranean Sea.

13 Building Background Knowledge
Return to the Edmodo page and watch the Brain pop video about Sumerians .

14 While you color, we can learn more about early civilizations.
The first 3 minutes of Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course #2 reviews characteristics of a civilization. It also explains how artifacts found in Mesopotamia are evidence of trade between the two civilizations. Students should have the water and river colored if you play the Indus clip two times (20 minutes) If time is short at the end-you can play Brain Pop for Mesopotamia. I will have students glue map in journal when it is complete. Use the map on page 67 to color bodies of water, rivers and ancient civilizations.


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