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TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Upgrading to Curb Plus Tim Csontos, VP Business Development.

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Presentation on theme: "TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Upgrading to Curb Plus Tim Csontos, VP Business Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Upgrading to Curb Plus Tim Csontos, VP Business Development

2 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Taxi Magic is now Curb 2

3 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Who is Curb Independent, Agile, Software Co Offices in 7 Cities 100+ Employees 100+ Fleets 60+ Cities 35,000 Vehicles 15,000 PIMs 3 Curb is the only nationwide dispatch-integrated, consumer-minded, tech company helping taxi fleets survive and thrive in a rapidly changing space.

4 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL 4 Nationwide Fleet Network Not included: Honolulu, HI Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC 60 cities 100+ fleets 35,000 cabs

5 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL An AGTA Vendor Exhibiting Growth 5 2007-2011 2011-2014 15 employees 100+ employees

6 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Our Industry Friendly Credentials 6 Fleet partners Industry associations Technology partners NTS 100 and counting…

7 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Complementary Technology 7 Rider AppsDispatch ServiceIn-Taxi Equipment NTS MDT PIM MDTDriver App iPhone & Android + + Dispatch system integration MDT, meter, PIM connectivity

8 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL In US – 1 out of 3 Plays by the Rules

9 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL New Entrants Delivering Features + Service 9

10 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL The New Curb User Experience

11 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Cash or Mobile Credit Card Payment Seamless Payment experience like Uber Or rider can pay driver cash (no card required)

12 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL 12 Driver Performance Communications 12  Goal: Improve Communication with Drivers  Transparency:  Trip data  Reliability  New Features  Weekly Events  Contests  Feedback and Support

13 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Reliability is the Key for Taxis 13

14 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL 15,000 Back-Seat CC Terminals Simple for Rider to swipe card No handing card to driver 14

15 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Consumer Marketing 15 Digital AdvertisingPR & CommsLocal Events Promo Codes

16 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL How can you help? 16 Work with us to design curb-side pickup areas (Uber already doing this without you) Mandate back seat payment devices so customers have confidence they can use a card. Focus on service levels – clean cars Manage supply at airport taxi parking lots so enough supply reaches city

17 TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL Arrived August 2014.

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