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“Warehousing sorted at long last - Oracle WMS a case study”

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1 “Warehousing sorted at long last - Oracle WMS a case study”
By Jim Garry December 2001

2 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Oracle Customers Bill Page

3 Who are CTS ? Clinical Trials Services was set up in 1989, as a subsidiary of Galen Holdings. They undertake all key Clinical Trial processes from blinding capsules to worldwide distribution to investigator sites.

4 What CTS Do CTS provide a wide range of Clinical Trials related services to their customers They work closely with their clients to ensure that all operational procedures comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and are accurately and extensively documented. This provides the essential guarantee that ensures the integrity of all products.

5 CTS WMS Requirements Control of Finished Goods at a Patient Pack (Serial Number) level Identification of the storage location within the warehouse Status Control at a Lot and Patient Pack Level Implementation of distribution control workflow processes Identification of the Container number (LPN) within the location Production of Pick Lists listing products, Lots, Container, and Patient Pack numbers (Rules Based). Finished product update/down date at point of dispatch

6 CTS WMS Requirements The allocation of stock to Pick Lists
The automatic updating of Inventory quantities using file transfer, barcoding or other suitable means. Full traceability of all transactions Interface with existing and future systems (e.g. IVRS) The system to be validated to FDA standards

7 WMS - An Implementation Nightmare?
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 WMS - An Implementation Nightmare? Warehouses and Distribution centres are the pivotal points in the Supply Chain that facilitate the balance between supply and demand Business Continuity in warehouses is vital and any interruption will cause a ripple effect across the Supply Chain The WMS is a key enabler of Supply Chain Execution activity WMSs have traditionally proven to be an implementation nightmare 40% of WMS implementations fail The success of Oracle WMS is dependent on the success of its implementation and customer satisfaction This presentation will provide an overview of two major new components of the Oracle e-Business suite: Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications (Oracle MSCA) Oracle Warehouse Mangement (Oracle WMS) The presentation will: Position these products within Oracle’s overall Supply Chain Management solution Introduce the common Mobile Technology foundation used by these products Introduce and position Oracle MSCA Describe the additional business requirements required for a full e-Logistics solution and the challenges associated with implementation of traditional bolt-on WMS solutions Introduce Oracle WMS, review the major features in some detail and discuss how Oracle WMS, togetherwith the rest of the e-Business suite, provides a better solution Summarize the differences between Oracle MSCA and Oracke WMS Summarize the business advantages and Q&A. Bill Page

8 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Implementing Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Apps and Oracle Warehouse Management This presentation will provide an overview of two major new components of the Oracle e-Business suite: Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications (Oracle MSCA) Oracle Warehouse Mangement (Oracle WMS) The presentation will: Position these products within Oracle’s overall Supply Chain Management solution Introduce the common Mobile Technology foundation used by these products Introduce and position Oracle MSCA Describe the additional business requirements required for a full e-Logistics solution and the challenges associated with implementation of traditional bolt-on WMS solutions Introduce Oracle WMS, review the major features in some detail and discuss how Oracle WMS, togetherwith the rest of the e-Business suite, provides a better solution Summarize the differences between Oracle MSCA and Oracke WMS Summarize the business advantages and Q&A. Bill Page

9 What do you get with . . . WMS Installed, WMS Organisation LPNs
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 What do you get with . . . WMS Installed, WMS Organisation LPNs Cost Groups Rules Tasks Cartonisation Exception Workflows WMS Installed, Inventory Organisation Mobile User Interfaces for Inventory Receiving Shipping Manufacturing Quality Labeling Material Status Lot Serial Attributes MSCA Mobile User Interfaces for Inventory Receiving Shipping Manufacturing Quality Labelling Bill Page

10 Oracle Mobile Transaction Server
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Oracle Mobile Transaction Server A “Forms Server” for industrial (barcode) devices connected via an RF LAN Standards based , Telnet over TCP/IP Device independent - Over 20 devices already certified from Intermec, Symbol and LXE Scalable - Multiple servers Supportable - Applications may run as Telnet session on desktop and may be “mirrored” WHAT IS ORACLE MOBILETRANSACTION SERVER ? IN SIMPLE TERMS, IT IS A SERVER THAT TAKES STANDARD R11i FORMS AND ALLOWS THEM TO BE USED THROUGH AN RF DEVICE Bill Page

11 Oracle Mobile Applications Framework

12 Oracle Mobile Applications Architecture
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Oracle Mobile Applications Architecture Mobile Transaction Server Standards based, Device independent, Scalable, Supportable Mobile Applications Framework Java based, Extensible, Device independent, Intuitive UI, Field level validation, DI’s and 2D barcodes, Multiple languages Mobile Transaction Server Application / Data Base THE OVERALL ARCHITECTURE IS MADE UP OF BOTH THE MOBILE SERVER AND THE MOBILE APPLICATION FRAMEWORK THAT WE HAVE JUST SEEN RF Base Station (Router) RF Device LAN or WAN SQL Net Telnet over TCP/IP Bill Page

13 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Mobile support for existing desktop applications Mobile Manufacturing - Issues, Moves, Completions, Scrap, ... Mobile Quality - Quality collections, View specifications, … Mobile Receiving - PO’s, transfers & returns, cross-dockong, ... Mobile Inventory - Transfers, misc issues & receipts, counts, ... Mobile Shipping - Ship confirm, Print shipping documents, ... AS PREVIOUSLY STATED, ANY TRANSACTION THAT CAN CURRENTLY BE PERFORMED IN THE ORACLE APPLICATIONS THRU THE USE OF A BROWSER, CAN ALSO BE DONE BY USING MSCA. MSCA IS SUPPORTED IN ALL OF THE FOLLOWING AREAS …. AS STATED IT IS BEST SUITED FOR CUSTOMERS WHO ….. Oracle MSCA is best for Customer who: Want RF support and are satisfied with the current 11i inventory functionality Need Mobile Manufacturing or Mobile Quality Bill Page

14 Traditional Bolt-on WMS Solutions
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Traditional Bolt-on WMS Solutions Warehouse execution systems, bolted on to existing legacy or ERP systems ERP System ERP Schema ERP Techstack ERP Hardware ERP Vendor EPG Support ERP Release Complex integration Bolt-on WMS (EXE, Swisslog, LIS, …) WMS Schema WMS Techstack WMS Hardware WMS Vendor WMS Support WMS Release Items, Customer, Vendors, ... PO’s, Orders, Deliveries, ... Receipts, Shipments, Adjustments, ... COMPLEX INTEGRATION BETWEEN ERP SYSTEMS AND TRADITIONAL BOLT-ON WMS SYSTEMS. DOWNSIDE: AS PER BULLETS COSTS , MAINTENANCE OF I/F’s BUSINESS PROCESS LIMITATIONS - SHOE HORN IN Physical, Replenishment, ... Huge and ongoing integration costs Operational complexity Business process limitations Bill Page

15 Oracle Warehouse Management
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Oracle Warehouse Management A full-function, Warehouse Management application delivered as an integral part of the Oracle E-Business Suite Built-in, not Bolt-on Faster, Easier Implementation Lower Ongoing Cost of Ownership Strong WMS & Logistics Functionality NO COMPLEX INTERFACES REQUIRED Bill Page

16 Hard Questions asked by CTS
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Hard Questions asked by CTS Where do we pick this order line from? Where do we put this receipt away to? What is the best way to organise our picking wave? Who is best qualified to perform activities? What container should we use to pack this delivery? What labels do customers want on their deliveries? How can we automatically adjust these requirements day-to-day, warehouse-to-warehouse, customer-to-customer, …? 1. WHERE SHOULD I PICK FROM ? BASED ON LIFO, FIFO, LOCATION 2. WHAT CONTIANER SHOULD I USE ? PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS, SPECIAL STORAGE REQMTS, ETC … 3. WHO IS BEST QUALIFIED TO PERFORM THIS ACTIVITY ? SPECIALISED TRAINING NEEDS, SKILLS REQUIRED HOW TO CUTOMISE ? CONTROLLED BY WMS RULES ENGINE … and we want to do this without customisation ? Bill Page

17 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 WMS Rules Engine Allows you to control Oracle WMS operations via flexible, user defined business rules “Customisation without coding” Any data combination may be used Designed for business users, not programmers Visible, Upgradable Seeded examples, Testing and debug modes Used throughout Oracle WMS ABILITY TO KEY IN BUSINESS LOGIC RULES ARE VISIBLE, UPGRADEABLE, UPDATEABLE Bill Page

18 Directed Picking and Putaway
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Directed Picking and Putaway Suggest optimal locators for picking & putaway via user defined business rules in Rules Engine Receipt Rules Engine Pick Locator Optimises the use of storage locations Minimises inventory fragmentation Controls hazmat and co-mingling restrictions Reduces obsolescence Bill Page

19 Automated Task Dispatching
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Automated Task Dispatching Assign tasks to the optimal, qualified resource and send them directly to that users RF device Task Queue Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 ... Move Orders Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Eliminates manual, parallel systems Correctly matches skills and equipment to tasks Minimises picking travel time Bill Page

20 Task Sorting and Sequencing
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Task Sorting and Sequencing Grouping/Splitting of tasks by a variety of Pick Methodologies to optimise overall process Cluster pick, by Order, by Zone, Bulk, Paper-based, Pick and Pass/Label Picking, User defined Will merge tasks for Bulk, Split tasks for capacity Minimises picking path Bill Page

21 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Task Exceptions Launch corrective action workflow for any task not completed as expected Trigger corrective actions (counts, inspection, …) Increases inventory accuracy Assist in user performance tracking Bill Page

22 LPN’s - License Plate Numbers
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 LPN’s - License Plate Numbers A “mobile locator” used to identify and transact against any set of inventory = A23595P || || | ||| ||| || Supports infinite levels of nesting Perform mass, complex operations with a single scan Improves efficiency, accuracy and tracking Fully integrated with ASN’s Bill Page

23 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Cartonisation Automate packing container selection based on the characteristics of the item and shipment Define content types - solid, liquid, frozen, etc. Assign those types to items and to containers e.g. Drum “A” is for liquids up to 100 litres Match the container to the item based on the content type and the item dimensions Automates picking the correct container Minimises the number of containers used Bill Page

24 New Sub-Inventory (Physical Zone) Cost Group (Financial)
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Cost Groups Represents accounting / ownership of an inventory balance, independently from location New Sub-Inventory (Physical Zone) Old Sub-Inventory Cost Group (Financial) Permits and controls co-mingling of inventory Reduces inventory fragmentation Automatic assignment via the Rules Engine Bill Page

25 Advanced Materials Management
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Advanced Materials Management Additional features designed to support complex inventory needs Material Status Status of an Item instance or Item lot e.g. Raw, Immature, Rework, Refurbished, Used, ... Can control which transactions are valid Additional to “Item Type” which is for whole “product” Sub-lot support (split and merge) Lot and Serial Genealogy Lot and Serial Attributes User definable, updateable, searchable, ... Bill Page

26 RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 WMS Control Board A general purpose workbench for managing Oracle WMS status and activity View pending workload across the organisation Manage exceptions Review, reassign and reprioritise queued tasks Create new tasks Perform mass updates Display in tabular or graphical representation Bill Page

27 WMS Control Board Task Detail
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 WMS Control Board Task Detail Bill Page

28 WMS Control Board Status by Employee
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 WMS Control Board Status by Employee Bill Page

29 CTS Issues and resolution
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 CTS Issues and resolution 11i Upgrade needed Server Capacity TARs Functionality training Upgrade timing Pharmaceutical Validation (FDA) CFR Part 11 Bill Page

30 CTS Issues and resolution
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 CTS Issues and resolution U.I. Development No release procedure – initially Defaulting Data Drop down menus Change prompt order (e.g. S/Ns first) Quantity always 1 Logic Changes Bill Page

31 CTS Issues and resolution
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 CTS Issues and resolution Labelling Label design Labelling of warehouse Labelling of existing stock Picking changes Untampered and tampered Bill Page

32 CTS Issues and resolution
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 CTS Issues and resolution Barcode Placement Transacting non-sequential Serial Numbers Making “suggest” Serial number pick mandatory Moving full and partial cartons Moving ranges of serial numbers Making existing stock serial controlled Procedural changes Training Contingency planning Bill Page

33 Being in a “Pharms” environment helped all of these
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Top 7 impediments to a successful WMS Implementation Installing a WMS in a broken warehouse Poor Project Mgmt/Change Management Equipment Integration pitfalls Overselling the Product Inadequate end-user training Lack of a Contingency Plan Failure to audit results This presentation will provide an overview of two major new components of the Oracle e-Business suite: Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications (Oracle MSCA) Oracle Warehouse Mangement (Oracle WMS) The presentation will: Position these products within Oracle’s overall Supply Chain Management solution Introduce the common Mobile Technology foundation used by these products Introduce and position Oracle MSCA Describe the additional business requirements required for a full e-Logistics solution and the challenges associated with implementation of traditional bolt-on WMS solutions Introduce Oracle WMS, review the major features in some detail and discuss how Oracle WMS, togetherwith the rest of the e-Business suite, provides a better solution Summarize the differences between Oracle MSCA and Oracke WMS Summarize the business advantages and Q&A. Being in a “Pharms” environment helped all of these Bill Page

34 Implementation Considerations
RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17 Implementation Considerations 11i Upgrade Requirement Barcoding Strategy Warehouse Re-engineering/Layout Hardware Considerations Operational Processes Testing/Training Go-Live Strategy Miscellaneous Custom Reports Document Changes (ASNs, Labels etc.) This presentation will provide an overview of two major new components of the Oracle e-Business suite: Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications (Oracle MSCA) Oracle Warehouse Mangement (Oracle WMS) The presentation will: Position these products within Oracle’s overall Supply Chain Management solution Introduce the common Mobile Technology foundation used by these products Introduce and position Oracle MSCA Describe the additional business requirements required for a full e-Logistics solution and the challenges associated with implementation of traditional bolt-on WMS solutions Introduce Oracle WMS, review the major features in some detail and discuss how Oracle WMS, togetherwith the rest of the e-Business suite, provides a better solution Summarize the differences between Oracle MSCA and Oracke WMS Summarize the business advantages and Q&A. Bill Page

35 Q & A Q U E S T I O N S & A N S W E R S RA8000/ESA12000 2017/4/17
Bill Page

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