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Long Essay and Short Answer

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1 Long Essay and Short Answer
APUSH EXAM INFO Long Essay and Short Answer

2 Structure of the Exam Multiple Choice: 55 in 55 minutes (40%)
Short Answer: 4 in 45 minutes (20%) DBQ: 1 in 60 minutes (25%) Long Essay: 1 in 35 minutes (15%) You have already been exposed to the MC and DBQ (and will be exposed much more in the coming months), and over the next few days we will work through the SAQs and LE. Structure of the Exam

3 The Long Essay (aka FRQ)
Skills that must be evident Argumentation Evidence Historical Thinking Skills Synthesis The Long Essay (aka FRQ)

4 The Long Essay (cont.) Graded on a 6 point scale Thesis: 0-1 point
Support for Argument: 0-2 points Application of HTS: 0-2 points Synthesis: 0-1 point The Long Essay (cont.)

5 The Long Essay (cont.) Thesis Tips
1pt: Clearly addresses all parts of question and addresses prompt 0pt: Weak, vague, restates question Tips Be bold! Take a firm position! Show reader that you know your stuff! The Long Essay (cont.)

6 The Long Essay (cont) Support for Argument Tips
2pts: Uses specific and relevant evidence; consistently explains how evidence supports thesis. 1pt: Supports thesis using evidence 0pt: Little or inappropriate evidence Tips Always address in some way how your evidence supports your argument. The Long Essay (cont)

7 The Long Essay (cont) Application of HTS Tips
2pts: Describes and analyzes specific examples that illustrate targeted HTS. 1pt: Describes examples that illustrate targeted HTS. 0pt: Few or no examples that illustrate targeted HTS Tips Refer back to the question to insure you are covering necessary HTS The Long Essay (cont)

8 The Long Essay (cont) Synthesis Tips
1pt: Synthesizes the argument, evidence, and context into a coherent and persuasive essay. May add analysis or support relevant to the question but beyond that required by the prompt. 0pt: Poorly organized and writing limits comprehension Tips Be clear in writing. Take time to organize essay prior to writing. The Long Essay (cont)

9 The Long Essay (cont) Sample Prompt:
For some the election of Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for the common man as opposed to it being a continuation of the trend toward greater voter participation. Support, modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence. The Long Essay (cont)

10 The Long Essay (cont) Sample Prompt:
For some the election of Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for the common man as opposed to it being a continuation of the trend toward greater voter participation. Support modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence. Take a few moments to write a preliminary thesis statement. The Long Essay (cont)

11 The Long Essay (cont) Sample Prompt:
For some the election of Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for the common man as opposed to it being a continuation of the trend toward greater voter participation. Support modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence. Create a brief evidence database that you would use if you were writing a response. The Long Essay (cont)

12 The Long Essay (cont) Sample Prompt:
For some the election of Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for the common man as opposed to it being a continuation of the trend toward greater voter participation. Support modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence. Create a brief evidence database that you would use if you were writing a response. The Long Essay (cont)

13 The Long Essay (cont) Sample Prompt: Create an outline of your essay.
For some the election of Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for the common man as opposed to it being a continuation of the trend toward greater voter participation. Support modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence. Create an outline of your essay. The Long Essay (cont)

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