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By. Ossama Gobah.  There has been a lot of sightings of students getting into gangs and ruining there lives. Students who often get into gangs hang with.

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Presentation on theme: "By. Ossama Gobah.  There has been a lot of sightings of students getting into gangs and ruining there lives. Students who often get into gangs hang with."— Presentation transcript:

1 By. Ossama Gobah

2  There has been a lot of sightings of students getting into gangs and ruining there lives. Students who often get into gangs hang with a wrong group and sometimes get addicted to drugs, alcohol or other bad things. Gangs often have a main color or logo or any kind of symbol that represents their gang. By not allowing uniforms teachers will be able to spot gangs and put them to an end. “ Murdok ”

3  Students are often not comfortable with their school uniforms which affects the way they learn. If students don’t have to wear uniforms they can wear comfortable clothes and helps them focus more in class. School uniforms are often suits or a shirt and tie with dress pants. To a lot of kids those are very uncomfortable and they focus more on their uncomfortable clothes than in class. “ Cascio ”

4  Students are what they wear. People these days like to express themselves by the clothes they wear. So if schools take that away from students, they will feel more of a follower than a leader. We want all students to be leaders in this world, by making them wear uniforms and not be able to express themselves makes the more of a follower than leader. However…. “ Kouzmine ”

5  Some students just “Dress to Impress.” The term meaning that some students only dress to impress other people. A lot of students have that one school crush who would do anything just to impress them. They would be so focused on impressing that one crush that they wouldn’t focus on classes at all. “ Hartman ”

6  There are a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. Not having uniforms will have many benefits for students and will help them learn better. Although it has some disadvantages it does more good than bad.

7  Murdok, Karen. “Benefits of not wearing school uniforms.” Demand Media. April 3, 2011. January 20, 2015  Cascio, Christopher.” Benefits & Disadvantages of wearing school uniforms.” Demand Media. September 3, 2012. january 20, 2015  Kouzmine, Michelle. “The arguments against school uniforms. “ Aboutstyle. February 3, 2009. January 20, 2015  Kouzmine, Michelle. “Why students should wear uniforms.” About style. March 2, 2012. January 20, 2015  Hartman,Ainsley. “Benefits of school uniforms.” March1, 2013. January 20 2015.  Chen, Grace. “The pros and cons of for your child.” Publicschool. April 24,2014. January 20, 2015

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