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Cracking the Imposter Syndrome Panel discussion 11 th June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Cracking the Imposter Syndrome Panel discussion 11 th June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cracking the Imposter Syndrome Panel discussion 11 th June 2015

2 What is the Impostor Syndrome? Feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evidence of success, accompanied by chronic self-doubt and feelings of intellectual fraudulence

3 Some common thoughts I must not fail Fear of being “found out” Success  responsibility  pressure I feel like a fake Don’t deserve my success/accolades Others think I’m more competent than I really am It’s all down to luck “I just got lucky” Success is due to external reasons Success is no big deal “It was an easy task” “Anyone could’ve done it” “I’m just winging it – I don’t know what I’m doing”

4 You’re more likely to fall for it if you’re… Younger Female Working in a knowledge-intensive profession Have progressed quickly in your career In a role that really challenges you

5 Our panel today ​ Betty Adamou CEO & Founder Research Through Gaming Rosie Campbell Director Campbell Keegan Sinead Hasson Managing Director Hasson Associates ​ Phyllis Macfarlane Global Training Director GfK Gemma Stokes Founder Podengo

6 How to overcome the Imposter Syndrome See it for what it really is Awareness is the first and most important step Understand what the feelings are for Anxiety, fear of success/failure… they can motivate you Talk about your feelings and seek support Don’t keep it in – other people may be feeling the same way Own your thoughts and successes Ditch the negative self-talk and take credit where it’s due Be kind to yourself Mistakes are OK – reframe them as a learning opportunity 1 2 3 4 5

7 Thanks to our event sponsors

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