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Infrastructure projects to facilitate trade and investment between Sonora and Arizona: Querobabi military checkpoint August 2014 Ing. Carlos Enrique Lares.

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Presentation on theme: "Infrastructure projects to facilitate trade and investment between Sonora and Arizona: Querobabi military checkpoint August 2014 Ing. Carlos Enrique Lares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrastructure projects to facilitate trade and investment between Sonora and Arizona: Querobabi military checkpoint August 2014 Ing. Carlos Enrique Lares Ponce

2 Introduction CANACINTRA’s participation, through the vicepresidency of the North-Pacific region, is rooted in President’s Enrique Peña Nieto decision to foster the integration of Mexico, U.S. and Canada within the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) context.

3 2013-2018 National Development Plan Purpose: Prosperous Mexico To start the sustainable development of productivity Adequate infrastructur is needed together along with strategic access that encourages economic competition and allows greater capital, supply and knowledge exchange for individuals and companies that can benefit from it. Encourage and support a protocol that facilitates healthy competition between businesses and the development of a modern public policy which contributes to fostering the economy and focuses on innovation and development of strategic sectors.

4 2013-2018 National Development Plan The investment in infrastructure is a key strategy for Mexico because it represents the means to generate economic development and increase competitiveness. The 2014-2018 National Infrastructure Plan, in adherence to the 2013-2018 National Development Plan, looks to integrate the functionality of existing and new infrastracture in the country through the completion of specific goals in the areas of Communication, Transportation, Energy, Health, Urban Development, Housing and Tourism with the ultimate goal of increasing Mexico’s competitiveness. In this way the country can ensure that opportunities of development are available in all regions to all sectors and communities.

5 CANACINTRA’s participation in the development of the Arizona-Sonora Megaregion CANACINTRA has been participating, through the presence of its President Ing. Rodrigo Alpizar, in meetings related to planning and design of infraestructure projects that have the goal of improving logistical conditions to increase internal and external trade.

6 Proposal Background -On April 7, the regional North-Pacific meeting took place in the city of Nogales. During this meeting, CANACINTRA’s President agreed to arrange a meeting with the Secretary of National Defence regarding the Querobabi military checkpoint. -The Secretary of National Defence was invited to a meeting with CANACINTRA’s industry members with the purpose of presenting him the main issues concerning the checkpoint and identifying potential solutions.

7 Consultation with Key Stakeholders -On July 5, 2014, the Secretary of National Defense, organized a meeting between different secretaries with the purpose of discussing the modernization of the Querobabi military checkpoint together with SAGARPA’s Secretary and representatives from other branches. -On July 8, 2014, CANACINTRA’s President, invited SEDENA representatives to the city of Obregón, to present the progress on Querobabi’s military checkpoint project to all the presidents of the delegations from Sonora and Sinaloa.

8 Consultation with Key Stakeholders -On July 14, 2014, SEDENA’s secretary organized a meeting with different secretaries to follow up with the modernization project of the Querobabi military checkpoint. During the meeting it was agreed to welcome perpectives from the manufacturing sector. -On July 21, 2014, the proposal to modernize the Querobabi military checkpoint, led by SEDENA, was put under consideration by the manufacturing sector.

9 Proposal to Stakeholders on July 21, 2014 1. Create standarized criteria for freight transportation for when products need to be registered and also speed up the inspection process. 2. Generate a commitment with the specialized sectors that utilize freight transportation, where they should inform what requirements they have to respect in regard to the delivery of their products, so this can be taken into account during the registration process and at the checkpoint. 3. Standarize, normalize and eventually approve criteria between different government agencies in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa and Arizona. 4. Adjust the facilities of the Nogales Sonora border crossing into Arizona in order to continue with the benefits gained from the speeding up process achieved at the Querobabi military checkpoint.

10 Proposal of the Querobabi Military Checkpoint Modernization In order to reduce the waiting time, since September 2013, a regulation of “free crossing with registration” has been implemented; in accordance with those vehicles that already have crossed the “Gamma rays” without any inconsistency.

11 Proposal for Construction Work at the Checkpoint


13 Thank you August 2014

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