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Line of Fire – Injury Reduction Program

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1 Line of Fire – Injury Reduction Program
Recommended Level of Effort Presentation

2 Line of Fire campaign – Key messages
Objectives Provide update on corporate wide safety campaigns and next topic: Line of Fire. Key messages: The Get-a-Grip campaign was launched in 2013, and currently focused on ladder safety (6th activity package) There has been a significant reduction in recordable injuries at Suncor from slips, trips and falls (46%) A 5 year plan for enterprise-wide safety campaigns is currently being developed The next opportunity for an enterprise wide safety campaign is “Line of Fire”: Focus on ‘Stored energy’, ‘Striking hazards’ (incl dropped objects) and ‘Crushing hazards’ Materials are being developed and roll-out is planned for May – August Level of effort is up to Business Areas Call to Action: Determine level of effort Support roll-out of campaign

3 Where are we with enterprise-wide safety campaigns?
Get a Grip on Safety: Mid September- Mid March In 2013, (Sept-Dec) Get a Grip: Sent 18 less people to hospital This represents a 49% reduction in recordable Slip, Trip & Fall injuries compared to the same period in 2012/13 Reduced the cost incurred by recordable incidents by roughly $800,000 Introduced enterprise-wide campaigns Focused on home, office and site related slips, trips and falls A 5 year plan for enterprise-wide safety campaigns is currently being created The “Get a Grip” campaign included 6 activity packages: Transition Zones and Walkways Boots and Grips​ Access and Egress Home Safety Eyes on Path Ladder Safety Complexity Clarity of Definition, Number of Problems, Timeframe, Resource, Cross-functionality, Cost Constraints (Mindsets), and Frequency Value Raw Risk, Mitigated Risk, Form of Control, Possibility for Human Error, Legally Regulated, Reoccurrence, Percentages of New Employees and Advancement of Culture and Awareness

4 Industry Standards break Line of Fire into three mechanisms of injury:
What is Line of Fire? You are in the Line of Fire when you are at risk of coming into contact with a force your body cannot endure. Industry Standards break Line of Fire into three mechanisms of injury: Stored Energy: Contact with stored energy Striking Hazards: Struck by or striking against an object Includes falling objects Industry Info: Crushing Hazards: Caught in, on or between an object

5 Where are we now with Line of Fire?
LOF hazards, and the opportunity to correct them are often overlooked People often unknowingly put themselves in the Line of Fire Line of Fire related injuries are common and can lead to serious injury There was no consistent approach to Line of Fire reduction at Suncor Line of Fire is aligned with the Life Saving Rules Line of Fire hazards exist year round (no seasonal trend like Get a Grip) Some previously existing Line of Fire initiatives exist include; Major Projects and Oil Sands: Some Line of Fire work has been done In Situ: 4 Pink Turn Around: Drop Zone - the other “Get a Grip” R&M has started introducing Line of Fire into its workforces Creating a enterprise-wide injury reduction campaign for Line of Fire is a large opportunity

6 Line of Fire: Suncor Wide Major Mechanisms of Injury in 2012
107 People 2013 full year STF data is currently being compiled

7 Line of Fire: The impact on Suncor
2011 = 275 recordable injuries (141 Line of Fire related) 2012 = 212 recordable injuries (107 Line of Fire related) 2013 = 200 recordable injuries (113 Line of Fire related) Year RIF Performance Performance Without Line Of Fire Related Injuries Overall RIF Reduction Opportunity (%) 2011 0.73 0.40 45% 2012 0.59 0.26 56% 2013 0.56 0.24 57%

8 Line of Fire: Impact on Business Units
Year RIF Performance Performance w/o Line of Fire injuries Overall RIF Reduction Opportunity (%) # of people injured relating to Line of Fire E&P 2011 0.76 0.59 22% 4 2012 0.98 0.64 35% 8 2013 0.51 0.34 33% R&M 0.52 0.22 58% 21 0.32 0.17 47% 12 0.50  0.19 61%  24 MP 0.78 0.40 49% 31 0.70 0.33 53% 24 0.72 0.32  56% 15 OS 1.02 0.48 69 0.79 0.36 54% 50 0.18 69% 51 IS 59% 16 0.67 0.35 48% 13 0.86 0.37 57% 19 Total: 361 

9 Why Line of Fire - Impact on ?
Reducing Line of Fire injuries – a lever to meet our Safety Goals 3 years ago = Total ? (? Line of Fire related) 2 years ago = Total ? (? Line of Fire related) 1 years ago = Total ? (? Line of Fire related) Year RIF Performance Performance w/o Line of Fire injuries Overall RIF Reduction Opportunity (%)

10 Recordable Injury Frequency (RIF) and Total Injury Frequency (TIF)
1 Year Ago - 2 Year Ago -

11 Sub Mechanism of Injuries
1 Year Ago - 2 Year Ago -

12 Tools and Body Parts Tools - Body Parts -

13 Proposed program to support goal is strategically aligned:
Proposed Goal: To focus on and reduce Line of Fire related incident enterprise-wide, by 20% year over year. A minimum of ? less people sent to the hospital for treatment Proposed program to support goal is strategically aligned: The Suncor Way: Supporting our core values including overriding commitments to safety, respect, raising the bar, honoring commitments and doing the right thing the right way. Suncor Value Driver: Continue to advance Suncor’s journey to operational excellence. Environment, Health & Safety goal: Continue to advance a strong safety culture through enterprise Journey to Zero initiatives: Training Campaigns Operational Controls

14 Enterprise-Wide Safety Campaigns Timing
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2014 Introduction to Line of Fire Recommended Roll Out Timing for Line of Fire Activity Package 5 Activity Package 5 Activity Package 6 Activity Package 1 Activity Package 2 Activity Package 3 Activity Package 1 Activity Package 2 Activity Package 3 2015 Sustainment MSI Activity Package 5 Activity Package 5 Activity Package 6 Activity Package 1 Activity Package 2 Activity Package 3 Activity Package 1 Activity Package 2 Activity Package 3

15 Line of Fire Program Step 1: Leadership Alignment Level of effort Resourcing Budget Implementation Step 2: 3 Month Focused Campaign Activity Packages Communications Core Web Page

16 Step 1: Leadership Alignment
Leadership Engagement (Q1) Central EHS works with EHS leadership teams to assist with appropriate level of effort recommendation for their specific areas Business Unit/Function Leadership Team Meetings BU/BA and/or Function Level of Effort Identification (Q1/2) Review draft level of effort and agree on upcoming years program BU/BA and/or Function Resources Allocation (Q1/2) Identify BU sponsor and communicate expectations Identify BA / Area Champions Central EHS scheduled to conduct orientation (in partnership with the BU sponsor/s, BU EHS Director) for BU EHS, Communications, and BA Area Champions Tactical Material Ordered (Q2) Identify tactical material needs and order Install and distribute materials

17 Step 2: Three Month Focused Campaign
Activity Packages Area Champions and Leaders use Activity Packages to help roll out campaign Packages include; Safety Moments, Toolbox Talks, Videos, Posters etc. Communications Central EHS rolls out campaign on existing ongoing employee communications channels Communications includes; 360 Magazine, Core News Stories etc. Core Web Page Dedicated Core Web Page is created for all Activity Packages and other campaign information based on the current Get a Grip on Safety template

18 The Three Activity Packages: Why it works
Stored Energy: Contact with stored energy Striking Hazards: Struck by or striking against an object Includes falling objects Crushing Hazards: Caught in, on or between an object Focuses on culture and behaviors Leadership Personal stories/testimonials Encourages employee/contractor participation Utilizes strong personal safety tools Life Saving Rules Hazard Identification Tools

19 Why it works 3 Activity Packages to Support Risk Reduction
Statistics Validation and Ongoing Monitoring Visual Campaign Mind Set Awareness Visible Felt Leadership The First Company Wide Journey To Zero Injury Reduction Program Diagram source:

20 Program Implementation: BU / FN Breakdown
Line of Fire Program Components Smaller Location Larger Location Our Location Activity Packages .5 hours .5 hour ? hours Safety Talks* 2 hours 4 hours Safety Moments* 1 hours 3 hours Supporting Videos Posters and Tent Cards 4 hour Employee Communications* N/A 1 hour Inspections* 6 hours 12 hours WPO* Awareness Orientation (EOP / MOT) Hazard signage Total Hours (Standards and LOF) ? hours Total Hours (LOF) ? hours *Standard work

21 Recommendation

22 Conclusion Do you want to participate and to what degree?
If yes, who is your BU/FN Sponsor and who is the supporting Area Champion(s)?

23 2014 leadership and stakeholder engagement (enterprise-wide)

24 2014 planning, design, release

25 2014 optimum campaign schedule (enterprise-wide)

26 BU/Function Leadership Team and BU Sponsor
What does program roll-out success look like? Central EH&S Team Ensure the Line of Fire Program is maintained and improved yearly based on post event lessons learned Act as a subject matter expert to support the BU/FN EHS Team Provides a sample “Starter Kit” of materials to all BUs and Functions participating Hosts the campaign page on the Core Co-host an orientation session in partnership with the BU sponsor/s, BU EHS director that targets the BU EHS, BU communications specialist/s and the BA / Area Champions Work with BU/Functions to provide ongoing statistics and lessons learned BU/Function EHS Team Review last year’s lessons learned and identify opportunities for improvement Conduct a review to draft upcoming years level of effort proposal Act as a local subject matter expert to support the BU/FN Area Champions Provide campaign direction & works closely with BU/FN Area Champion to prepare them to run campaign Plan and schedule orientation session in partnership with the Central EHS Team Provides ongoing statistical analysis of workplace injuries BU/Function Leadership Team and BU Sponsor Review the draft level of effort and agree on upcoming years program Leadership Team identifies BU/FN Sponsor and communicates expectations Leadership Team identifies BU/FN Champion/s Provide ongoing stewardship of resource utilization, program success and challenges, associated work orders and/or corrective actions Work with EHS Team to plan and schedule an orientation session in partnership with the Central EHS Team Identify tactical material needs Area Champions Lead the tactical role out within their specific area Work with the BU/FN sponsor to escalate issues or highlight opportunities Provide regular feedback to the BU/FN sponsor on progress to date Customize the supporting campaign material to maximize value within your respective areas Work with the BU/FN EHS Team to act as a area subject mater experts Provide ongoing feedback on campaign 26

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