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University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 7: Linearization and the State.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 7: Linearization and the State."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 7: Linearization and the State Transition Matrix

2 University of Colorado Boulder  Homework 2 – Due September 12  Lecture Quiz – Due Friday @ 5pm ◦ Full credit for doing it ◦ We will discuss the answers/results in class on Monday 2

3 University of Colorado Boulder  Linearization – How we do it? (wrap-up)  State Transition Matrix (STM) ◦ Derivation ◦ Solution Methods 3

4 University of Colorado Boulder 4 Linearization – Why do we need it? (review)

5 University of Colorado Boulder 5  How do we estimate X ?  How do we estimate the errors ε i ?  How do we account for force and observation model errors?

6 University of Colorado Boulder  This is the “normal form” of the least squares estimator  We assumed that the state-observation relationship was linear, but the orbit determination problems is nonlinear ◦ We will linearize the formulation of the problem 6

7 University of Colorado Boulder 7

8 University of Colorado Boulder 8 Linearization – How do we do it? (continued)

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11 University of Colorado Boulder 11 Computed, not measured values!

12 University of Colorado Boulder 12 Linearization – State Transition Matrix

13 University of Colorado Boulder  Since x is linear (note lower case!) then there exists a solution to the linear, first order system of differential equations: 13  The solution is of the form:  Φ(t,t i ) is the state transition matrix (STM) that maps x(t i ) to the state x(t) at time t.

14 University of Colorado Boulder 14 Constant!

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16 University of Colorado Boulder  There are four methods to generate the STM: ◦ Solve from the direct Taylor expansion ◦ If A is constant, use the Laplace Transform or eigenvector/value analysis ◦ Analytically integrate the differential equation directly ◦ Numerically integrate the equations (ode45) 16

17 University of Colorado Boulder 17 State Transition Matrix – Alternative Derivation

18 University of Colorado Boulder  Expand X(t) in a Taylor series about X * (t): 18

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21 University of Colorado Boulder 21 State Transition Matrix – Laplace Transform

22 University of Colorado Boulder 22  Laplace Transforms are useful for analysis of linear time-invariant systems: ◦ electrical circuits, ◦ harmonic oscillators, ◦ optical devices, ◦ mechanical systems, ◦ even some orbit problems.  Transformation from the time domain into the Laplace domain.  Inverse Laplace Transform converts the system back.

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24 University of Colorado Boulder  Solve the ODE  We can solve this using “traditional” calculus: 24

25 University of Colorado Boulder  Solve the ODE  Or, we can solve this using Laplace Transforms: 25

26 University of Colorado Boulder  Solve the ODE: 26

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29 University of Colorado Boulder 29 State Transition Matrix – Analytic Approach

30 University of Colorado Boulder  Leverage the differential equation 30 and combine it with classic methods  Compatible with simple equations, but not with larger estimated state vectors or complicated dynamics

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40 University of Colorado Boulder 40 State Transition Matrix – Numeric Integration

41 University of Colorado Boulder  For more complicated dynamics, must integrate X * (t) and Φ(t,t 0 ) simultaneously in propagator ◦ Up to n+n 2 propagated states ◦ Derivative function must include the evaluation of the [A(t)] * matrix in addition to F(X,t) 41

42 University of Colorado Boulder  Use the MATLAB reshape() command to turn matrix into a vector ◦ v = reshape( V, nrows*ncols, 1 );  MATLAB Demo… 42

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