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Lloyd George speaking to the house of commons 1919: “We have restored where restoration was just, we have organised where damages and injury have been.

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Presentation on theme: "Lloyd George speaking to the house of commons 1919: “We have restored where restoration was just, we have organised where damages and injury have been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lloyd George speaking to the house of commons 1919: “We have restored where restoration was just, we have organised where damages and injury have been inflicted, and we have established guarantees and securities. We have disarmed; we have punished. How does Lloyd George feel about the Treaty of Versailles?


3 Anglo-American Treaty During the peace process Lloyd George wanted Clemenceau to adopt a more moderate approach towards Germany. He offered him an Anglo-American guarantee against German aggression. This treaty was never actually signed as US congress would not agree to it and Britain was not going to offer to protect France alone. What affect do you think this had on Clemenceau and his view of the treaty?

4 How far did the “Big Three” achieve their aims at the Paris Peace Conference? L/O: To compare the aims of the BIG THREE with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles MR4Q&list=PLF6818C6C9D91B52D&index=1

5 Why did the victors not get everything they wanted from the Paris Peace Process?

6 Example exam question 4 MARKS What did Wilson hope to achieve from the peace settlement of 1919–20? (4) State TWO things Wilson wanted from the Peace Treaty = 2 marks Add one piece of detail about each point (e.g. he wanted self determination for all so he said in his 14 points that …….) Do this TWICE 4 marks!

7 Example exam question 6 MARKS Task: Answer the question: Why did Clemenceau and Lloyd George disagree over how to treat Germany? [6] Two well explained reasons why they disagreed. e.g. What France wanted and why Britain did not agree with this 4 /6 Do this TWO times and it will get you 6/6!!

8 How far did the “Big Three” achieve their aims at the Paris Peace Conference? Explain your answer. (10) Paragraph 1: Woodrow Wilson: What did he want? Did Woodrow get what he wanted? Remember to write both sides of the argument. Write a paragraph to explain your answer! Paragraph 2: Remember Clemenceau was the least happy with the Treaty as he thought it was not harsh enough and he felt unprotected against Germany in the future without guarantees from Britain and USA. Explain the things that Clemenceau did and did not get. Paragraph 3: Lloyd George was probably the most content with the treaty, however there were things he was not satisfied with. Explain how he was and was not happy with the Treaty and why – compare to what he wanted. Conclusion: You only need a few lines here to sum up who was the most satisfied and who was the least and why. Think about the BIG three as a whole and decide to what extent they got what they wanted. ANSWER THE QUESTION! How far do you agree... How far did... To what extent... To what extent do you agree... Discuss: 1)The ways in which you do agree with the statement / ways they did get what they wanted (depending on question) 2)THEN discuss the other side of the argument 3)Come to a conclusions which answers the question

9 How far did the “Big Three” achieve their aims at the Paris Peace Conference? Explain your answer. (10) Paragraph 1: Wilson Wilson clearly achieved some of his aims... But Wilson was less than happy with... Paragraph 2: Clemenceau Clemenceau was probably the least satisfied among the “Big Three”. This was because... Paragraph 3: Lloyd George Lloyd George had wanted a moderate peace to... There were some features of the peace settlement that he did not like, such as Conclusion: It would have been impossible for each of the ‘Big Three’ to have achieved all their aims as.... Nevertheless each one of the ‘Big Three’ could be satisfied with at least some aspect of the settlement.... How far do you agree... How far did... To what extent... To what extent do you agree... Discuss: 1)The ways in which you do agree with the statement / ways they did get what they wanted (depending on question) 2)THEN discuss the other side of the argument 3)Come to a conclusions which answers the question

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