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Deviance in pre-modern society

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1 Deviance in pre-modern society
Definitions of deviance What is deviance? How defined in pre-modern (c.1750) period? Broad definition – religious, sexual, social Transgression of Church’s moral strictures How much concealed from the historian’s view?

2 Dante’s hierarchy of deviance (from The Divine Comedy early C14th) )

3 Identification of deviant behaviour common to all societies
Suspect and threatening Appearance, beliefs and/or lifestyle Marginalisation, ostracisation, persecution of individuals or groups Common stereotypes: sexual depravity, criminality, anti-social behaviour Metaphors of sin, pollution, disease Cf ‘terrorists’ (Dillinger, 2004)

4 Accusations vs Deviant Groups (from Malcolm Lambert, Medieval Heresy (1992), p. 166)

5 Extreme: blood libel/ritual murder accusation vs Jews

6 Role of the courts/legislation
auto da fe = show trial Official treatment of deviants Fluctuations Ecclesiastical e.g. Spanish Inquisition Secular courts often harsher (will execute) Could be surprisingly lenient Social relations > heightened tension in post 1500 period

7 Treatment of the ‘Other’
Diverse societies: minorities integrated Expulsions > mobile communities Refugees/diaspora especially by early modern period (post 1500) e.g. moriscos, Huguenots Scapegoating

8 Socially marginal and mobile
Gypsies by Callot c. 1621 C16th and C17th Fear of vagrants on increase Criminal gangs imagined Gypsy/Roma people suspect Social stability and hierarchy central

9 Social stigmatisation
Executioner (C16th) Dishonourable trades Played important socio-economic role Ostracised from polite society Excluded from citizenship Physically and socially marginalised Developed own subculture/networks Definition of ‘margins’? (Milner)

10 Medieval bath house: often frequented by prostitutes

11 Treatment of diseased Fear of contamination: Leprosy Plague Syphilis
Mental illness Lunacy Also strong metaphorical use re deviant groups

12 The court dwarf: Spain and Italy

13 Monstrous births: source of fascination & horror
‘Monk calf’ (C16th Germany) ‘Barking monster’ (C18th England)

14 SIN: a sinful and virtuous woman

15 Questions In what way group defined as deviant?
What form did marginalisation take? Was persecution systematic or sporadic, official or popular? Are there geographical & chronological distinctions to be made? What do local studies add? What does it tell us about wider society?

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