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Exploring the Seas  The Crusades introduced Europeans to luxury goods from Asia.  Wanted spices  Preserved food, make medicines and perfumes  Came.

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2 Exploring the Seas  The Crusades introduced Europeans to luxury goods from Asia.  Wanted spices  Preserved food, make medicines and perfumes  Came from Moluccas  Wanted direct access to Asia instead of dealing with a middle man

3 ??  What factors encouraged European exploration?  Wanted spices from Asia.

4 Portugal Sails East  Prince Henry wanted to expand his country  Africa was the target  Convert them to Christianity  Wanted an easier way to Asia (around Africa)  Cartographers to redesign ships, make maps, and trained captains

5 India  1497 Vasco de Gama  Reached India  Many died on the way home  Sold the spices for a huge profit  Set up a trade network  People stayed there and bought @ low prices


7 ??  How did Portuguese exploration lead to the creation of a trading empire?  Searched for a trade route to India. Found it and then left people to buy @ low prices

8 Columbus  Italian who wanted to follow in Portugal’s success  Thought if he began sailing West he would reach the East Indies  Greatly underestimated the Earth’s size  2 continents were in the way


10 Spanish Sponsors  Portugal wouldn’t sponsor Columbus but Spain would  Hoped it would bring them wealth and prestige  1492 sailed west with 3 ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria)  Over a month before they saw land  In the Caribbean but thought he was in the Indies  Didn’t realize for awhile that they really had come to new lands

11 Dividing the Globe in Half  1493 Spain asked the Pope to support their claim to the new world  Pope set a Line of Demarcation  Spain had trading in W of line  Portugal had them E of the line  Treaty of Tordesillas  Signed between Spain and Portugal to lay out the specific line

12 Naming the Western Hemisphere  Amerigo Vespucci wrote a journal describing his voyage to Brazil  Cartographer Martin Waldseemuller made a map from the description and called them the Americas  The islands Columbus found were called the West Indies

13 Search for a Direct Route  Sill hadn’t found a direct route to Asia  1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa cut his way through Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean  Ferdinand Magellan left from Spain to reach the Pacific  Strait of Magellan @ the bottom of S America  Wanted to circumnavigate the world  Thought it wouldn’t take long  3 years total


15 ??  What was the significance of Balboa’s discovery?  Found another ocean on the other side of the Americas.

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