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Research Support Opportunities Dr. Musab A. AlTurki Assistant Dean of Research Deanship of Research September 11 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Support Opportunities Dr. Musab A. AlTurki Assistant Dean of Research Deanship of Research September 11 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Support Opportunities Dr. Musab A. AlTurki Assistant Dean of Research Deanship of Research September 11 th, 2014

2 Deanship of Research (DSR)  Research is a major component of the mission of the University  Graduate students play a key role towards accomplishing it  DSR: support and facilitate research activities by creating a conducive environment for quality research

3 Research Support Tracks  Four major venues for supporting research through funded projects 1. Internal Research Grants (by the University)  SABIC & Fast Track Research Grant  Societal Research Grant  Book writing/translation Grant  Research Groups  …

4 Research Support Tracks (Cont.) 2. KACST Annual Program (KAP)  King AbdulAziz City for Science and Technology  A variety of different levels of support 3. The National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (NSTIP – Maarifa)  Support for focus areas of national priority

5 Research Support Tracks (Cont.) 4. Contractual and client-funded research through the Research Institute (RI)  RI as the cornerstone for applied research activities at KFUPM  Consists of permanent centers and Centers of Research Excellence (CoREs)

6 Involvement of Graduate Students in Funded Projects  Research grants are applied for and managed by faculty members (Principal Investigators – PI’s)  A graduate student involved in a funded project is expected to:  Work closely with the PI and his team  Consult with the PI in any matter related to the project  Involvement of a graduate student is limited to at most one research grant at any point

7 Financial Incentives in Funded Projects  Funded projects typically provide financial incentives to students  Internal: at most SAR 600/month for MS students, SAR 800/month for PhD students  KACST: varies depending on the project  NSTIP: at most SAR 2000/month for MS students, SAR 2500/month for PhD students  The goal is to provide an additional level of support towards achieving significant contributions

8 Other Venues of Research Support at KFUPM  Conference Attendance  Once a year for presenting a paper in an international conference  Payment of mandatory page charges for papers published in ISI journals  Support for research visits and field trips through projects  Central Research Workshop and FABLAB (RRMS)

9 DSR Contact Information  Tel: 3200  Emails:     Website   Other links of interest    

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