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Enter your username and password. They are case sensitive. Username Password (case sensitive)

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Presentation on theme: "Enter your username and password. They are case sensitive. Username Password (case sensitive)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enter your username and password. They are case sensitive. Username Password (case sensitive)

2 Enter data and update. Enter your Firstname Enter your Lastname

3 Select Update Coach-Team Info for initial sign-on. The first time through it will take ask you to enter coaches information. After that you will be immediately directed to the team roster entry. Click Here

4 Building your Rosters View Last years rosters Current Roster Press Select to EDIT a wrestler.

5 When Picking Criteria, pick the LOWEST NUMBER which applies to your wrestler.

6 Building your JV Rosters. Use JV “1 thru 5” to mark JV wrestlers you want in the VARSITY Tournament. Use “1 thru 5” only for those JV’s you want in the Varsity tourney. Check this box to mark a JV wrestler.

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