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NGSIM Stakeholders – Users Group Chair Overview Presented by Dr. George List.

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Presentation on theme: "NGSIM Stakeholders – Users Group Chair Overview Presented by Dr. George List."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGSIM Stakeholders – Users Group Chair Overview Presented by Dr. George List

2 Goals and Challenges  Membership Representatives from state and local transportation agencies, consultants and academiaRepresentatives from state and local transportation agencies, consultants and academia  Goals Focus on the needs and requirements of end-users of traffic simulation modelsFocus on the needs and requirements of end-users of traffic simulation models Identify what needs to be advanced in the state of the practiceIdentify what needs to be advanced in the state of the practice  Challenge Simulation users have distinct and widely differing needs, levels of expertise, resource competencies and limitationsSimulation users have distinct and widely differing needs, levels of expertise, resource competencies and limitations  Benefits to model users Help identify needs; exchange experiences with other users; develop solutions to analytical problemsHelp identify needs; exchange experiences with other users; develop solutions to analytical problems

3 Users Group - Membership BloombergLoren CH2M-HILL CH2M-HILL BondRussell Massachusetts DOT Massachusetts DOT MirzaeiArash North Central Texas Council of Governments North Central Texas Council of Governments ChangGang-Len University of Maryland at College Park University of Maryland at College Park HagueSteve Caltrans HQ Caltrans HQ HsiaLiang Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Transportation McGheeCathy Virginia Tech RC Virginia Tech RC OzbayKaan Rutgers University Rutgers University ParachaJawad Maryland State Highway Administration Maryland State Highway Administration RouphailNagui NC State ITRE NC State ITRE ShawJohn Wisconsin DOT Wisconsin DOT TruebloodMichael HDR Engineering HDR Engineering WalkerSusan ITERIS ITERIS BullockDarcy Purdue University Purdue University SabraZiad Sabra, Wang & Associates Sabra, Wang & Associates

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