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1 EEL 4783: HDL in Digital System Design Lecture 6: Verilog Examples Prof. Mingjie Lin.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EEL 4783: HDL in Digital System Design Lecture 6: Verilog Examples Prof. Mingjie Lin."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EEL 4783: HDL in Digital System Design Lecture 6: Verilog Examples Prof. Mingjie Lin

2 2 Shift Register

3 3 SR with Parallel Loads

4 4 Barrel SR ------------

5 5 Barrel SR

6 6 Universal RF

7 7 Bi-Directional Bus

8 8

9 9 When a FF is created?

10 10 Sync. Data Swapping

11 11 Sync. Data Swapping

12 12 Sync. Data Swapping

13 13 S

14 14 S

15 15 S

16 16 S

17 17 S

18 18 Final issues Please fill out the student info sheet before leaving Come by my office hours (right after class) Any questions or concerns?

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