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1 The Ministry of the Pastoral Relations Committee.

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1 1 The Ministry of the Pastoral Relations Committee

2 2 A Resource to Guide you in your task….

3 3 Discussion Questions to frame your thoughts...

4 4 A Productive Partnership can be used in a variety of ways…. n In your home as you consider PRC membership or before the first or successive PRC meetings n At an orientation meeting of the entire PRC (using the guide or being led by a member of your region’s staff)

5 5 A Productive Partnership can be used in a variety of ways…. n As a committee review as your PRC is considering a particular goal. n At an association or regional training event for PRC members.

6 6 Another Resource to Enhance your relationships…

7 7 The Goal of the Pastor/Staff Relations Committee is: n To enhance the effectiveness of the church’s ministry by fostering a climate of nurturing relationships between pastor/staff and the church

8 8 It’s a TRUST RELATIONSHIP with two primary functions n Advisory to the pastor to bring concerns of the congregation before the pastor and the pastor/staff concerns to the congregation. n Advocacy for pastor/staff leadership in the congregation…the ‘in house support system’ for the pastoral staff.

9 9 It’s a TWO-WAY Street!!

10 10 The ministry of the P.R.C. is a Biblical one…. n Ministering one to another... Galatians 6:2,10 n Sharing ministry together… Acts 6:1-7 n Reconciliation/sharing of gifts… Matthew 5:23-24 n Distinction of gifts and functions for ministry… Ephesians 4:11-16 n Openness and unity of all members… Colossians 3:12-17

11 11 The Goals of the Pastoral Relations Committee n To seek to assure healthy pastor/staff/parishioner relationships. n To assist the congregation in making its concerns known to the pastor/staff/leadership n To assist the pastor/staff/leadership in making its concerns known to the congregation. n To assist the church in monitoring its responsibilities to the pastor/staff.

12 12 The Goals of the Pastoral Relations Committee n To assist in the monitoring of the pastor/staff’s responsibilities to the church n To assist in the monitoring of healthy relationships throughout church life. n To assist in the monitoring/management of conflict. n To help maintain an atmosphere of love, trust, care, concern and maturing throughout congregational life.

13 13 Qualities in a person on the Pastoral Relations Committee n Unquestioned Christian Character n Ability to negotiate n Sensitivity to feelings n Appreciates differences

14 14 Qualities in a person on the Pastoral Relations Committee n Respected by the Congregation n Keeps Confidences n Openness to learn n Patience

15 15 Qualities in a person on the Pastoral Relations Committee n Flexibility n Vital interest in the Church’s life and ministry n Others that YOU can name?….

16 16 Specific Functions of the Pastoral Relations Committee n Understanding roles of ministry-- (EXPECTATIONS) n Conflict Management n Continuing Education n Evaluation n Pastor/staff compensation n Start-up procedures n Termination procedures

17 17 Communication A Common Thread n Communicate the responsibilities of the committee including the topics discussed. n Help the church family understand all that is involved in the work of the pastor/staff.

18 18 Communication A Common Thread n Share with the congregation what is included in the pastor/staff's job description. n Let them know how pastoral/staff performance is evaluated.

19 19 Communication A Common Thread n Share with the congregation the pastor/staff's plan for continuing education, how each is involved in denominational and community activities, and what their plans are for personal and professional growth.

20 20 Communication A Common Thread n Interpret to the congregation the concerns of the pastor/staff, their hopes and dreams for the church, and the strengths they believe the church has developed.

21 21 Communication A Common Thread n Let the people know how best to encourage support and affirm the staff, and assist them in understanding the best ways of caring for their leaders.

22 22 Communication A Common Thread n Educate the congregation about pastoral compensation including: cash salary, automobile allowance, housing or parsonage allowance, etc..

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