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UNIT 3, LESSON 4 Timeline of the Mexican Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3, LESSON 4 Timeline of the Mexican Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3, LESSON 4 Timeline of the Mexican Revolution

2 SMART START Pretend you live in an unlimited government. What is that like? What is the mood of the people? Create an action plan to make your country a better place.

3 TODAY’S OBJECTIVE SWBAT explain how an unlimited government led to the Mexican Revolution of 1910. SWBAT Create a timeline of the Mexican Revolution.

4 KEEP IN MIND… Today, Today, you are going to have to stretch to create connections between a visual representation of time to and written representation of time. Sometimes it can be difficult, which means that you need to be THINKERS to make a different kind of connection than you are used to!

5 QUICK Q How many of you chose to fight in your smart start? Why was that your choice?

6 REVOLUTION A revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government in order to create a new one. A revolution is a forcible overthrow of a government in order to create a new one.


8 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS What type of government existed in Mexico? What type of government existed in Mexico? Why were the Mexicans unhappy? Why were the Mexicans unhappy? What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution? What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution?

9 WHY DID IT HAPPEN! Causes of the Mexican Revolution Causes of the Mexican Revolution the dictatorship rule of Diaz, the dictatorship rule of Diaz, exploitations and poor treatment of workers exploitations and poor treatment of workers disparity between the rich and poor disparity between the rich and poor

10 GROUP WORK Read and annotate the article. Read and annotate the article. Then put the events on a timeline. Then put the events on a timeline.

11 HMM…BIG THOUGHT What do you think what the most important event in the Mexican Revolution? Why? What do you think what the most important event in the Mexican Revolution? Why?

12 HMM…BIG THOUGHT Was violent conflict necessary to create the change in Mexico? Why or why not?

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