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High expectations yield positive self-worth, responsible behavior, and superior performance. All environments must be safe, secure, and positive places.

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Presentation on theme: "High expectations yield positive self-worth, responsible behavior, and superior performance. All environments must be safe, secure, and positive places."— Presentation transcript:


2 High expectations yield positive self-worth, responsible behavior, and superior performance. All environments must be safe, secure, and positive places to learn, grow, and work.

3 The goal of Caldwell ISD is to work hand in hand with our community to provide excellence in education in the best possible environment thus molding productive citizens who proudly call Caldwell home.

4 Something that you imagine: a picture that you see in your mind. A thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination.

5 A new Caldwell High School for students and staff A refurbished existing high school that our Caldwell Middle School staff and students will move into A repurposed Middle School that will continue to be alive and breathing!

6 A coordinated effort by Blinn and Caldwell to provide instruction together. Move our DAEP and ACE into the buildings A community Center An alive and breathing building that will serve our community

7 New seats for the auditorium, which is used over 170 times per year by our district and community New sound system for the auditorium

8 Our current Middle School has 30 plus entrances thus making it a very UNSAFE building!

9 Middle School is very unsafe and some parts of it have been declared off limits to staff and students.





14 Most generally when school districts are looking at facilities, they look to build a new high school and move the middle school into the existing high school.

15 A New High School would be the showcase for Caldwell ISD, bringing more of our community and visitors to the campus for various events Modernized technology for both schools

16 Shared staff would be in the same vicinity. Electrical savings with two enclosed buildings

17 Bringing our Ag/Shop Facilities up to date Science Labs would be state of the art

18 New ceiling tiles New flooring Technology updates Existing Ag would be converted to a second gym

19 We HAVE the land on which to build it!


21 The children of today are the INVESTMENT for tomorrow. We want our children to have a safe, well- maintained and supportive environment that promotes learning.

22 Projected Cost to Homeowner for a 25.0¢ Increase for $35,000,000.00 Home Value Before Exemptions Home Value After State Exemption Projected Annual Tax Increase Projected Monthly Tax Increase $50,000.00$35,000.00$87.50$7.29 $75,000.00$60,000.00$150.00$12.50 $100,000.00$85,000.00$212.50$17.71 $125,000.00$110,000.00$275.00$22.92 $150,000.00$135,000.00$337.50$28.13 $175,000.00$160,000.00$400.00$33.33 $200,000.00$185,000.00$462.50$38.54 $225,000.00$210,000.00$525.00$43.75 $250,000.00$235,000.00$587.50$48.96 Projected Cost to Homeowner for a 25.0¢ Increase for $45,000,000.00 Home Value Before Exemptions Home Value After State Exemption Projected Annual Tax Increase Projected Monthly Tax Increase $50,000.00$35,000.00$115.50$9.63 $75,000.00$60,000.00$198.00$16.50 $100,000.00$85,000.00$280.50$23.38 $125,000.00$110,000.00$363.00$30.25 $150,000.00$135,000.00$445.50$37.13 $175,000.00$160,000.00$528.00$44.00 $200,000.00$185,000.00$610.50$50.88 $225,000.00$210,000.00$693.00$57.75 $250,000.00$235,000.00$775.50$64.63

23 Now we would like to hear from you! Tell us what you think. Come by: 203 N. Gray St. By phone: 979-567-2400 By email: Watch for more information on our webpage at

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