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Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 1 MODELING PERCENTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 1 MODELING PERCENTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 1 MODELING PERCENTS

2 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 2 PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Model each fraction: ½ ¼ ¾ 3/5 4/7

3 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 3 Objectives To understand percent To model a percent To identify a percent

4 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 4 Modeling a Percent A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Percent is denoted by the symbol(%) i.e 50 % = 50 out of 100 OR 50% = 50 100 A 10 x 10 grid can be used to represent hundredths. We can use a 10 x 10 grid to model percents. Shade the required number out of 100 squares.

5 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 5 MODEL A PERCENT Model 18%Model 36%

6 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 6 Your Turn Model each percent: 1. 25%

7 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 7 Problems 2. Model 5%

8 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 8 Identify a Percent Identify the percent of a model that is shaded. For example, if there are 10 squares are shaded out of 100 squares, it means that the model shows 10%.

9 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 9 Example – 1 There are 45 out of 100 squares are shaded. So the model shows 45%

10 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 10 Example – 2 There are 58 out of 100 squares are shaded. So, the model shows 58%

11 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 11 Practice Problems Identify each model 1.  29% 99%  2

12 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 12 Word Problems In a meeting, 45% of the audience are men, 35% are women and the rest are children. Model each percent. Men women Children – 20%

13 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 13 Let’s try by yourself In a CD case, 32% are pop music, and 33 % are film songs and 35% of them are videos. Model each percent  POP MUSIC  FILM SONGS  VIDEOS

14 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 14 Review A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Percent is denoted by the symbol(%) i.e 50 % = 50 out of 100 A 10 x 10 grid can be used to represent hundredths. We can use a 10 x 10 grid to model percents. Shade the required number out of 100 squares. To identify the percent of a model that is shaded.

15 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 15 ASSESSMENT Model each percent 1.35% 2.13% 3.9% 4.20% 5.23% 35% 13%  9%  20% 23%

16 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 16 Assessment  32%  20%  12%  8%  28% Identify each percent modeled.

17 Copyright©Ed2NetLearning.Inc 17 Great Job!

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