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The Changing Waters of ASPIRE’ing Family Engagement Annual Parent Mentor Partnership Kickoff Conference September 11, 2014 The Classic Center, Athens,

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Presentation on theme: "The Changing Waters of ASPIRE’ing Family Engagement Annual Parent Mentor Partnership Kickoff Conference September 11, 2014 The Classic Center, Athens,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Changing Waters of ASPIRE’ing Family Engagement Annual Parent Mentor Partnership Kickoff Conference September 11, 2014 The Classic Center, Athens, GA

2 DISCLAIMER: The contents of this ASPIRE presentation was developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A120020. However, those contents do no not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

3 Debbie Currere, Parent Support Specialist, SPDG Elise James, Program Specialist, GaDOE

4 Learning Targets Participants will be able to articulate – at least two necessary components for implementing the parent portion of ASPIRE. – two trainings and/or learning opportunities for parents participating in ASPIRE. – two methods used to communicate with parents for the ASPIRE.

5 ASPIRE’s 2013-14 Data Collection 19 Districts (10%) 78 Schools – elementary, middle and high 4 GNETS 2015 students On full GNETs Implementation: Serving 12 districts On full district Implementation – 40 schools – 1166 students (37%)

6 ASPIRE’s 2014 Charted Course GLRS Implementation – Middle Georgia – East Central – North Georgia Central District-wide Implementation – Houston County CCaR Project – Habersham – Wayne GNETS – Elam Alexander Academy – GNETS of Oconee – Heartland Academy – Futures Program Single district/single schools – Cherokee – Decatur City – Jeff Davis Handout

7 ASPIRE’s 2015 Passage Plan Readiness during 2014 – GLRS Adding districts to current plans Exploring/Investigating implementation Creating a multiyear capacity building plan – GNET Adding students Collaborating with GLRS Handout

8 Checklist for Parent Mentors Preparation Parent Training Follow-up with Families Parent Survey Additional Parent Support – 2 Learning Opportunity – Transition Conferences Handout

9 Preparing to Sail…….. Meet with District/ School ASPIRE lead or GLRS Director – Communication both internal with team and external with families – The targeted classrooms and students – How you can be of assistance – Notification to families

10 7/3/201510

11 Electronic Parent Training Resources ASPIRE Parent Training Modules and Powerpoints – and-Assessment/Special-Education- Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx and-Assessment/Special-Education- Services/Pages/ASPIRE-Videos.aspx State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) ASPIRE Website – esourcesdocx esourcesdocx Handout

12 Alternate Outreach ASPIRING Coffee Chats Send links to parent video Multiple meetings at multiple sites What have you done?

13 Follow-up with Families Facilitating parent/child interaction around ASPIRE – Questions to prompt family/student communication Parent feedback collected to guide future opportunities for parents Tracking common concerns and issues to identify additional needs and supports Handout

14 Parent Survey 7/3/201514

15 Parent Survey New reporting 4 Question phone survey Alternatives: – Paper/pencil – Telephone follow-up for students in 8 th and 9 th grade Script provided Handouts

16 Additional Parent Support Trainings – “How to Talk to Your Child about their Disability” – “The Benefits of Self-Determination” These trainings will be 30 minutes long with a 10 minute activity and a single-sided handout for parents to easily refer back to.

17 Debriefing What worked? What didn’t work? Positive feedback from Parents Any parent concerns? Date to be determined

18 Q & A Hot Tamales Other Professional Development Opportunities – Train the Trainer – Innovative Practices Forum

19 Are you “On Fire” with ASPIRE? 7/3/201519

20 Learning Targets Participants will be able to articulate – at least two necessary components for implementing the parent portion of ASPIRE. – two trainings and/or learning opportunities for parent participating in ASPIRE. – two methods used to communicate with parents for the ASPIRE.

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