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Lesson 17 – Branding and Discussion Questions 1 Lesson 17.

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1 Lesson 17 – Branding and Discussion Questions 1 Lesson 17

2 Starter Brand / house style Sainsbury’s Tesco Halfords What colours do you associate with the above supermarkets? 2

3 Starter Brand Hunt Using the worksheet, your task is to investigate the branding / house style for a given TV news programme. 3 TV NEWS PROGRAMME NAME: COLOURS SHAPES TEXT GRAPHICS MUSIC

4 Design your own branding for a TV news channel Design a logo. Think about the colours, image and style of font. It is important to set the right tone! You could look at other TV news programmes’ branding. You could design an aston.

5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. ‘Is the audience for TV news in decline?’ Discuss with reference to BARB viewing statistical information. 5

6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 2. ‘24/7 access to TV news through e-media platforms will lead to the demise of TV news channels on television.’ Discuss with reference to e-media platforms viewing statistical information. 6

7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 3. ‘Do we get too much “infotainment” news?’ Discuss with reference to two TV news channels or programmes. 7

8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 4. ‘Why is it important to be impartial when presenting political TV news broadcasts?’ 8

9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 5. ‘What is the purpose of “gatekeeping” when deciding on news to be reported on?’ 9

10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 6. ‘Is TV news war reporting biased?’ Give examples from at least two reported wars. 10

11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 7. ‘In what ways has the presentation of television news changed in recent years?’ How do you account for such changes? 11

12 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 8. ‘Why do TV news channels have recognisable branding?’ Discuss with reference to two TV news channels. 12

13 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 9. ‘Are TV news presenters becoming celebrities?’ Some TV news presenters feature regularly in magazine articles as human- interest stories. Why is the audience interested? 13

14 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 10.‘What is the purpose of “right to reply” programmes?’ Why is the audience entitled to this? 14

15 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 11.‘Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code is in place to ensure that TV news broadcasting is accurate and impartial.’ Why is this legislation put in place? 15

16 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 12. ‘Is TV news a constructed reality?’ Discuss with reference to editing techniques used in the construction of TV news reports. 16

17 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 13.‘TV news does not appeal to younger viewers because it is boring!’ Discuss your views on this statement. 17

18 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 14.‘Discuss the ways in which news can be gathered and the reliability of the sources of information.’ 18

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