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CAEP 101: A Culture of Evidence

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1 CAEP 101: A Culture of Evidence
Catherine Wigent and Sarah LaVan Michigan CAEP Workshop March 26, 2015

2 Learning Objectives Discuss CAEP’s new paradigm
Review the CAEP standards and evidence Examine CAEP’s pathways What is the structure of each pathway? What are the general timelines? Review the CAEP milestone dates

3 New Paradigm: Culture of Evidence (Handbook page 6)
Infrastructure to collect and monitor data A focus on results of measures Strategic about data/evidence CAEP calls for EPPs to create a culture of evidence that informs their work, which includes: Infrastructure for data and monitoring A focus on results of qualitative and qualitative measures and a practice of using evidence to increase program effectiveness Strategic data and evidence, which includes understanding the quality of the evidence and perhaps dismissing data that may be irrelevant of missing

4 CAEP Standards and Evidence (Handbook pages 13-23)
Standard 1 Content and pedagogical knowledge Michigan Career and College Ready Standard 2 Clinical partnerships and practice Standard 3 Candidate quality, recruitment, and selectivity (Handbook: version 2) Standard 4 Program impact Standard 5 Provider quality assurance and continuous improvement CAEP defines their 5 standards as the backbone of accreditation

5 Evidence: How will you use your evidence to tell your story?
CAEP is expecting that you tell your story through the self study

6 CAEP Pathways: Which to Choose? (Handbook pages 7 and 40)
SI TI IB 3 pathways; only 2 open for Michigan EPIs this first round

7 SI and IB Pathways Selected Improvement Inquiry Brief
Structure and evidence based on CAEP standards Select one standard in which to focus Inquiry Brief Inquiry driven Make claims about candidate outcomes and investigate extent to which claims are met Present evidence to support all claims SI: Structured around the CAEP standards Presents evidence based case for each standard Select one standard in which to focus IB: Inquiry driven Use claims to make your case Data verified through on-site visit

8 Selected Improvement (Handbook pages 51-61)
Step-by-step through standards making a case for meeting each standard using evidence Selected Improvement Plan – “demonstrate progress in achieving a higher level” Rationale for focus area with baseline data Sets measurable yearly goals Focus on standards 5.3 and 5.4 & all of standard 4

9 Selected Improvement (Handbook pages 53-54)
3 years in advance of site visit EPI submits: SPA and/or Early evaluation of instruments October 1 for fall semester April 1 for spring semester 8 months prior to site visit EPI submits self study, including SI plan and formative feedback report No less than 60 days prior to site visit EPI submits response to the Formative Feedback Report

10 Inquiry Brief (Handbook pages 40-51)
Uses claims (or poses questions) Rationales for assessments Methodology for collecting data and assurance of quality of evidence Results – outcomes of assessments by claim Internal audit report (Appendix) - devises and undertakes probes to verify that the system is working as designed

11 Inquiry Brief Milestone Dates (Handbook pages 40-41)
3 years in advance of site visit EPI submits: SPA and/or Early evaluation of instruments October 1 for fall semester April 1 for spring semester 9-12 months prior to site visit EPI submits first draft of self study 4 months prior to site visit CAEP declares self study auditable 4 weeks prior to site visit CAEP site visitor team draft report sent out

12 Assessment of the Assessments
3 years in advance of site visit Early evaluation of instruments October 1 for fall semester April 1 for spring semester Assessment Rubric

13 Other Aspects to Notice
Phase in Schedule (handbook pages 82-83) Standards and Evidence Examples (Appendix A) Optional Early Instrument Evaluation (handbook pages 26-27)

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