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Jeopardy Vocabulary Processes of Science Independent variables Dependent variables Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Vocabulary Processes of Science Independent variables Dependent variables Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Vocabulary Processes of Science Independent variables Dependent variables Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Characteristics of Science

3 $100 Question from Vocabulary A body of knowledge that explains the natural world.

4 $100 Answer from Vocabulary Science !

5 $200 Question from Vocabulary Using your 5 senses to gather information

6 $200 Answer fromVocabulary Observation!

7 $300 Question from Vocabulary A tentative explanation that can be TESTED

8 $300 Answer from Vocabulary Hypothesis

9 $400 Question from Vocabulary Information gathered from observations

10 $400 Answer from Vocabulary Data!

11 $500 Question from Vocabulary A factor in an experiment that can change

12 $500 Answer from Vocabulary Variable

13 $100 Question from Processes of Science The variable that is CHANGED/ TESTED in an experiment

14 $100 Answer from Processes of Science Independent variable!

15 $200 Question from Processes of Science The group that receives no treatment

16 $200 Answer from Processes of Science Control group!

17 $300 Question from Processes of Science The variable that is OBSERVED/ MEASURED in an experiment

18 $300 Answer from Processes of Science Dependent variable!

19 $400 Question from Processes of Science A simple method scientists use to conduct an investigation

20 $400 Answer from Processes of Science Scientific Method

21 $500 Question from Processes of Science Name at least 3 steps in the “scientific method”

22 $500 Answer from Processes of Science 1.Form a hypothesis 2.Write a procedure 3.Conduct an experiment 4.Record Results 5.Collect data 6.Analyze data 7.Form conclusion 8.Communicate results

23 $100 Question from Independent Variables A florist wants to see if Product X will extend the life of cut flowers so that they last longer. What is the independent variable?

24 $100 Answer from Independent Variables Product X

25 $200 Question from Independent Variables Orchids were observed to determine if the amount of humidity affected the flowering of these plants. Which of these was the independent variable in this study?

26 $200 Answer from Independent Variables Amount of humidity

27 $300 Question from Independent Variables You want to test a new drug that supposedly prevents sneezing in people allergic to grass. What is the independent variable?

28 $300 Answer from Independent Variables New drug

29 $400 Question from Independent Variables An entomologist (bug scientist) wants to determine if temperature changes how many times a cricket chirps. What is the independent variable?

30 $400 Answer from Independent Variables Temperature

31 $500 Question from Independent Variables The height of bean plants depends on the amount of water they receive. What is the independent variable?

32 $500 Answer from Independent Variables Amount of water

33 $100 Question from Dependent Variables A florist wants to see if Product X will extend the life of cut flowers so that they last longer. What is the dependent variable?

34 $100 Answer from Dependent Variables Life of cut flowers

35 $200 Question from Dependent Variables Orchids were observed to determine if the amount of humidity affected the flowering of these plants. What is the dependent variable?

36 $200 Answer from Dependent Variables Flowering of plants

37 $300 Question from Dependent Variables You want to test a new drug that supposedly prevents sneezing in people allergic to grass. What is the dependent variable?

38 $300 Answer from Dependent Variables Whether or not sneezing stops

39 $400 Question from Dependent Variables An entomologist (bug scientist) wants to determine if temperature changes how many times a cricket chirps. What is the dependent variable?

40 $400 Answer from Dependent Variables Number of times a cricket chirps

41 $500 Question from Dependent Variables The height of bean plants depends on the amount of water they receive. What is the dependent variable?

42 $500 Answer from Dependent Variables Height of plants

43 $100 Question from Characteristics of Science Science, non-science, or pseudoscience: Magic

44 $100 Answer from Characteristics of Science Non-science

45 $200 Question from Characteristics of Science Science, non-science, or pseudoscience: Astrology

46 $200 Answer from Characteristics of Science Pseudoscience

47 $300 Question from Characteristics of Science Science, non-science, or pseudoscience: Studying whether or not cats always land on their feet from a height of 10 feet or below

48 $300 Answer from Characteristics of Science Science

49 $400 Question from Characteristics of Science W hich of the following is a scientific statement? #1 Some plants eat meat. OR #2 Extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth.

50 $400 Answer from Characteristics of Science #1

51 $500 Question from Characteristics of Science What does the acronym CONPTT stand for?

52 $500 Answer from Characteristics of Science Consistent Observable Natural Predictable Testable Tentative

53 Final Jeopardy Design an experiment to determine whether earthworms are more attracted to perfume or vinegar.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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