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BibFrame Testing at the University of Washington : experiences in general and CJK scripts Charlene Chou University of Washington at CEAL Committee on Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "BibFrame Testing at the University of Washington : experiences in general and CJK scripts Charlene Chou University of Washington at CEAL Committee on Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 BibFrame Testing at the University of Washington : experiences in general and CJK scripts Charlene Chou University of Washington at CEAL Committee on Technical Processing meeting March 26 th, 2015

2 Agenda Goals Training The core group of BF testing Testing procedures, observations and outcome Next steps

3 Goals Train cataloging staff to be familiar with linked data, BibFrame, RDF/XML, Schema, etc. Review converted data to check for missing data, wrongly converted data, data with incorrect FRBR attribution, etc. If any problems, report to LC. Review converted data for different types of resources, e.g. monographs, serials, AV, e- resources, maps, 3D, scores, still images, etc. Review converted data for non-Roman scripts, e.g. CJK, Cyrillic, etc.

4 A series of training sessions BibFrame training session 1-3 + exercises BibFrame classes: diagram & hierarchical listing BibFrame in RDF/XML and RDA/RDF

5 Core Group Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services, Chair Principal Cataloger Metadata Librarian Lead Catalogers for various types of resources International Studies – Head of Technical Services of East Asia Library – Slavic Cataloger

6 Testing procedures, observations and outcome Testers select examples/records for the Chair to convert Testers verify the converted data against its original MARC record, and have group discussions. The Chair reports anything wrong to LC for correction. The Chair maintains a BibFrame Issues List with ticket numbers on GitHub (e.g. #XX) as well as an indication whether each issue was submitted by UW or another institution.

7 UW BIBFRAME Issues List: some examples (94 comments from UW) #83 (other): allow the text of nonstandard relationship designators to be recorded #105 (other): what is the plan for holdings records? #129 (UW): workTitle as 245 or 130 a, n, p together as one string; when from 240 include $l and probably other subfields #144 (UW): Computer Files assigned wrong content-type subclasses #148 (UW): serialFirstIssue and serialLastIssue need more generic names #151 (UW): new algorithm for authorizedAccessPoint in Work #203 (UW): 6XX ind 4 and 7 should not generate madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme #206 (UW): bf:contentCategory should be in Work not Instance #207 (UW): bf:formDesignation should have domain Instance or Work, not Title #222 (UW): bf:cartographicScale is Work information; 034 subfields need labels #230 (UW): bf:titleType needs a thesaurus, and changes to the range #233 (UW): The agent link for an original work (from a translation) has only $a #235 (UW): bf:label in held item link should have both call numbers when there are two #238 (UW): $3 needs a big-picture solution #110 (UW): 042 is not converted #151 (UW): 046 $o, $p are not converted #220 (UW): 300 $e should be in a separate instance of bf:extent and not combined with $a #138 (UW): 520 subfield b is not converted #166 (UW): 546 in languageNote should be in Work not Instance #214 (UW): 651 is not converted #123 (UW): example of 700 $i omitted for related work #126 (UW): 730s generate related works without an indication of language #168 (UW): 740 2nd indicator 2 should have relationship hasPart; 740 should not have AAP or creator #229 (UW): 775 may be instance, not work; should not include imprint in access point #152 (UW): 776 $i is not converted

8 BIBFRAME Issues List: related to CJK examples #119 (UW): 020 $q should be retained for display purposes #174 (UW): 041 gives non-existent language code for Chinese (zho) #228 (UW): bf:titleStatement should have parallel non-roman script #224 (UW): 245 $b non-roman should be in bf:subtitle #201 (UW): bf:responsibilityStatement should retain brackets; not converted for Maps format; only parallel script not romanization; not converted for book w/o non-roman script #225 (UW): 246 $i with non-roman not given #178 (UW): 250 repeatability--$3 and parallel scripts #227 (UW): providerStatement should have parallel non-roman script #226 (UW): 264 $b with non-roman and multiple publishers duplicates non-roman script #177 (UW): 505 lacks parallel non-roman script #116 (UW): 650, @en assigned to foreign language terms #232 (UW): 650 _7 $2 sk should have non-roman strings with dashes and w/o $2 #157 (UW): 8XX authorized access point should be from 8XX not 490 #162 (UW): language qualifiers on parallel script fields seem wrong (multiple examples) #173 (UW): non-roman fields missing for related Work entry, e.g. original of translation #179 (UW): multiparts should not generate multiple instances, for each vol. #231 (UW): Non-roman forms are not authorized access points

9 Some CJK examples Only in romanized form – a bf:Agent ; bf:label "Inō, Kanori,". – bf:titleStatement "Taiwan ta cha ri ji" Wrong language encoding – " 伊能嘉矩, 1867-1925"@zh-hani ; – a bf:Title ; bf:titleValue "Inō Kanori no Taiwan tōsa nikki.", " 伊能嘉 矩の臺湾踏柤日記."@zh-hani. – bf:providerDate "2014-", "2014-"@zh ; Missing $q in 020 ISBN – bf:isbn10 ; – bf:isbn13 ;

10 Some CJK examples (2) Missing $3 in 250 edition for variant editions – bf:edition "Di 1 ban.", "Di 2 ban.", " 第 1 版."@zh, " 第 2 版."@zh ; Missing Chinese contents note (505) – bf:contentsNote "Di 1 juan. Shi xue, shi jia yu shi dai -- Di 2 juan. Zhongguo si xiang chuan tong ji qi xian dai bian qian - - Di 3 juan. Ru jia lun li yu shang ren jing shen -- Di 4 juan. Zhongguo zhi shi ren zhi shi de kao cha -- Di 5 juan. Xian dai xue ren yu xue shu -- Di 6 juan. Min zhu zhi du yu xian dai wen ming -- Di 7-8 juan. Wen hua ping lun yu Zhongguo qing huai (shang, xia). -- Di 9 juan. Li shi ren wu kao bian -- Di 10 juan. Song Ming li xue yu zheng zhi wen hua -- Di 11 juan. Lun xue hui you -- Di 12 juan. Guo xue yu Zhongguo ren wen" ;

11 Some CJK examples (3) Missing $5 WaU for local holdings information – " 本套書限量 500 套, 此本編號為 357 號."@zh Missing the romanized form – bf:responsibilityStatement " 蘇軾撰 ; 施元之, 施宿, 顧禧 註."@zh ; Missing 246 $i Chinese note a bf:Title ; bf:titleType "Title on cover of shou zang wen ji:" ; bf:titleValue "Shao yun er shi, jing dian zai xian", " 少蘊而始, 經典再現 "@zh. Missing 830 field for series – 830 0 Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies at UW- EAL. $5 WaU

12 providerStatement should have parallel non-roman script bf:providerStatement "Taibei Shi : Guo jia tu shu guan : Da kuai wen hua, 2012." ; 264 $b with non-roman and multiple publishers duplicates non-roman script bf:publication [ a bf:Provider ; bf:providerDate "2012", " 二零一二."@zh ; bf:providerName [ a bf:Organization ; bf:label "Da kuai wen hua", " 國家圖書館 :"@zh, " 大塊文化 "@zh ] ], [ a bf:Provider ; bf:providerDate "2012", " 二零一二."@zh ; bf:providerName [ a bf:Organization ; bf:label "Guo jia tu shu guan ", " 國家圖書館 :"@zh, " 大塊文化 "@zh ] ; bf:providerPlace [ a bf:Place ; bf:label "Taibei Shi ", " 臺北市 :"@zh ] ] ; Some CJK examples (4)

13 Next Steps Research and experiments at UW

14 RDA/RDF vs. BIBFRAME RDA/RDF is stronger in Series Notes Technical details of a resource Inverse properties (e.g. animator/animatorOf) BIBFRAME is stronger in Administrative metadata Identifiers Subject headings Holdings information Support for both transcription (literals) and URIs Joe Kiegel's presentation at UW on 2/19/2015

15 Both RDA/RDF and BIBFRAME are able to represent library information as linked data Both schemas originate in libraries and must be adopted widely by non-library users in order to succeed As Linked Data Joe Kiegel's presentation at UW on 2/19/2015

16 RDA/RDF lacks a number of features of a carrier, e.g. administrative metadata BIBFRAME is currently not capable of carrying constrained RDA without significant loss in information about classes While neither fully works today, a combination of the two is more successful As Carriers Joe Kiegel's presentation at UW on 2/19/2015

17 RDF-BIBFRAME-hybrid.pdf RDF-BIBFRAME-hybrid.pdf Example of a Hybrid Title Joe Kiegel's presentation at UW on 2/19/2015

18 Many thanks to my UW colleagues for such great teamwork! Special thanks to Joe Kiegel for his vision and leadership for this initiative!

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