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The PYP Exhibition Parent Information. What is it? The Exhibition is: a depth group inquiry an inquiry that starts from personal interest and passions,

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Presentation on theme: "The PYP Exhibition Parent Information. What is it? The Exhibition is: a depth group inquiry an inquiry that starts from personal interest and passions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The PYP Exhibition Parent Information

2 What is it? The Exhibition is: a depth group inquiry an inquiry that starts from personal interest and passions, but extends into real world issues an inquiry that requires students to apply their learning from previous years

3 Student or Group Parents Mentor Teacher The role of parents

4 How can parents help? Parents can: keep informed about the process by maintaining open-line of communication support and encourage their children provide knowledge and opportunities for the exhibition group to meet outside the school setting help to locate resources – people, places, media and information Celebrate with the students by attending the final presentations on May 2015

5 How do we mark students work? “Exhibitions are the best way to measure learning because they put the kids right in the midst of their learning” Dennis Littky We assess the process more than the product. The students should keep a journal throughout exhibition that shows how their thinking and goals have developed. This journal may include pictures, diagrams, poems, timelines and writing. Teachers use rubrics to grade writing responses, oral presentation, visual display and group work.

6 What’s the Project Timeline? October/December Select Exhibition Topics Write Central Idea Establish work groups Begin research January/February Gather all resources Keep collecting data Set up mentors Identify community support March/April Complete research/magazine Begin taking Action Create Visual Display Prepare Oral Presentation May Exhibit in Place Performance practices PYP Exhibition May 2015

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