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NHS Change Day 2015 Wednesday 11 March Making a change for better together.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Change Day 2015 Wednesday 11 March Making a change for better together."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Change Day 2015 Wednesday 11 March Making a change for better together.

2 What is NHS Change Day? NHS Change Day is a grassroots movement of hundreds of thousands of health and care workers, patients, carers, volunteers and members of the public. NHS Change Day records and encourages the great changes that are being made within health and care. If each of us makes one small change, together we can change how the world works! Anyone can make a change for the better.

3 How does it work? Anyone can make a change to improve health and care. NHS Change Day supports these people by celebrating and sharing their actions, so that they can then inspire others. Change Day supports innovative campaigns and ideas by building connections and communities of support. On Wednesday 11 March we’ll celebrate these changes for the better on NHS Change Day.

4 What can I do? 1.Be inspired. Read some of the #100DaysofChange stories for ideas of changes you could make today. 2. Make a change. 3. Share your change by recording your actions at 4. Inspire others.


6 More information For more information visit

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