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Presentation on theme: "LINES AND LINE SEGMENTS"— Presentation transcript:


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Hello, How are you doing? Today, we are going to start a new lesson on Lines and Line segments.

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Line Line – A Line is straight. It goes in two directions. It does not end. The Line is horizontal as well as vertical.

4 Different type of Lines
Line segment Ray Intersecting Lines Parallel Lines Horizontal Lines Vertical Lines Perpendicular Lines

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Line segment Line segment – A line segment is straight. It has 2 end points. Line segment has a specific length. Line segment

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Ray A ray is a straight. It has one end point and goes on without end in one direction.

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Intersecting Lines Intersecting Lines meet or cross at a common point. Intersecting lines

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Parallel Lines Parallel Lines do not cross. These lines are vertical. Parallel lines

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Identify each Line A B Ray b) Intersecting Lines

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Vertical Lines Vertical lines are Lines that go up and down. Vertical Line

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Horizontal Lines Horizontal Lines go from left to right.

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Perpendicular Lines Perpendicular Lines intersect at right angle.

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Complete the following. The following figure is made of --- line segments. Answer - 6

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Name the following. It has only one end point. It form the addition symbol. Answer- Ray Perpendicular Lines

15 Which of the following is made of 4 line segments?
Circle Pentagon Rectangle Triangle

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17 1. How many vertical line segments are used in the word LINE?
Answer- 5

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2. Name the following. Answer- Line segment Ray A B

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3. Say True or False. A ray is a part of line. A line segment has two end points. Parallel Lines never meet. Answer- a) True b) True c) True

20 4. How many line segments are shown in the figure?
Answer- 6

21 5. Which of the following is Perpendicular Line?
A B Answer - A

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6. Tell whether the following lines are parallel, intersecting or vertical. A B C Answer- a) Vertical b) Parallel c) Intersecting

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7. What kind of lines will be made when the two lines given below will be produced? Answer- Intersecting Lines

24 Draw the following. a) Intersecting Lines b) Vertical line
Answer – A B

25 9. What kind of lines are used for the figure given below?
Answer- Parallel Lines Horizontal Lines Vertical Lines

26 10. Which is NOT true about Line segment?
It is straight. It has 2 end points. It has fixed length. None of these.

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Recap Line Line segment Parallel Lines Intersecting Lines Perpendicular Lines Horizontal and vertical Lines Solved Examples Practice Problems

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Well Done! Now Practice worksheets on the Lesson.


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