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The World’s Biggest Minority Left Behind: National HIV-Responses Need to and Can Include Disability Towards a UNAIDS Disability Strategy Ruben Mayorga.

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Presentation on theme: "The World’s Biggest Minority Left Behind: National HIV-Responses Need to and Can Include Disability Towards a UNAIDS Disability Strategy Ruben Mayorga."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World’s Biggest Minority Left Behind: National HIV-Responses Need to and Can Include Disability Towards a UNAIDS Disability Strategy Ruben Mayorga Senior Governance Adviser, UNAIDS 22 July 2014


3 UNAIDS Getting to zero: – 2011-2015 strategy extended until 2017 Zero new infections Zero AIDS-related deaths Zero Discrimination – Where we see the gap

4 Disability in the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS UN Member States unanimously: Welcomed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and recognized the need to take into account the rights of persons with disabilities in the formulation of our global HIV response; Noted with concern that HIV programmes have not been adequately targeted or made accessible to persons with disabilities; Commited to ensuring that financial resources for prevention are targeted to evidence-based prevention measures that reflect the specific nature of each country’s epidemic by focusing on… populations vulnerable to HIV infection… Committed to address factors that limit treatment uptake and access to drugs or resources UN General Assembly at 56 th session June 2011

5 Gap Report UNAIDS Gap Report – Beginning of the end of AIDS epidemic – 12 populations of people left behind Closing the gap – Perception of HIV risk is low among persons with disabilities (2012 South Africa survey)

6 Source: WHO / The World Bank

7 UNAIDS Accountability Framework (UBRAF) and Monitoring System (JPMS) Work is ongoing to include people with disabilities in the HIV response across regions and countries: – Moldova – Ghana – Uganda – Thailand – Jamaica – Uruguay

8 Strengthen the evidence-base of the vulnerability of persons with disabilities to HIV Forge partnerships between the disability and HIV movements aimed at promoting the human rights of persons with disabilities and people living with HIV. Advocate for inclusion of persons with disabilities in national HIV responses Address the intersection of HIV & disability in laws, policies and practices Moving Forward: UNAIDS Strategy on HIV and Disability 2015-17 Proposed Objectives

9 Moving Forward: UNAIDS Strategy on HIV and Disability 2015-17 Process to finalize a disability strategy for 2015-17 Vision-set objectives Base-line and targets Involve key stakeholders Identify a mechanism to support implementation

10 THANK YOU! For further information please contact: The Human Rights and Law Division Department of Rights, Gender, Prevention and Community Mobilization

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