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First term scheme of work SS1

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1 First term scheme of work SS1

2 wk Topic Content 1 Introduction to commerce Meaning ,scope, functions,e-commerce 2 History of commerce Historical background, factors affecting the growth of commerce, barter system 3 Occupation Meaning, classification, factors that determine type of occupation and employment 4 Production division of labour and specialisation Meaning, classification 5 Trade Meaning, types, and relationship between the different types of trade 6. Home trade Meaning, types, characteristics, functions of retail trade, factors to consider in setting up a retail trade 7 Home trade contd Large scale retail trade ,types , modern trends in retailing, features 8 Wholesale trade Meaning, channels of distribution, functions of wholesalers, types of agents, documents used in home trade

3 Introduction to commerce
Commerce is the buying, selling and distribution of goods and services to satisfy human wants. SCOPE: commerce is divided into trade and aids to trade.

4 TRADE Trade is divided into home trade and foreign trade.
Home trade; is the buying and selling of goods and services within a country. It is divided into wholesale and retail trade Foreign trade is the buying and selling of goods and services between two or more countries .it is divided into export, import and entrepot.

5 Aids to Trade Aids to trade: are the activities that make buying and selling easier. They are also called ancillaries to trade. They include: advertising, banking, communication, insurance, tourism, warehousing, transportation

6 Provision of employment Warehousing of goods
FUNCTIONS OF COMMERCE Provision of employment Warehousing of goods Exchange of goods and services Improvement in the standard of living Provision of assistance to trade Leads to interdependence

7 Promotes rapid transfer of information
Transportation function Facilitates international co- operation Risk bearing Economic growth and development Mass production of goods

This is the process of buying, selling, and marketing of goods and services over the internet. FORMS OF E – COMMERCE E- retailing Market data gathering through web Electronic data interchange E- mail and fax Business to business contact through web

9 With the aid of a diagram, illustrate the scope of commerce.
ASSIGNMENT With the aid of a diagram, illustrate the scope of commerce.

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