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Vision Board Health and Social Education.  Success on any major scale requires a clear vision and consistent action. Nothing will happen by itself. It.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision Board Health and Social Education.  Success on any major scale requires a clear vision and consistent action. Nothing will happen by itself. It."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision Board Health and Social Education

2  Success on any major scale requires a clear vision and consistent action. Nothing will happen by itself. It will all come your way once you have a clear vision and consistent thinking and action based on your vision.

3  A vision board is created by an individual to illustrate what he or she wants in this life. A vision board is a personal collection of individual desires and no restrictions are placed on the images or words displayed on the board.

4  A vision board may be a combination of life areas such as school, friends, extra- curricular, family, and/or health or it may only highlight one life area such as school. A vision board is created by pasting images and words on a poster board to display the individual’s goals. The images can be magazine photos, personal photos, or hand drawn pictures and sketches. As well, the words can be cut from media formats or be handwritten.

5 How to Set a Goal  What is the difference between a goal and a wish?  Remember: You do not need to know how a goal will manifest.

6 Values  From the list pick 5 values that are the most important to you

7 Favorite Colour  Write down four words describing how the colour makes you feel

8 Favorite Animal  Write down four characteristics you like about the animal

9  List four things you are grateful for. You may start with “I couldn’t live without…

10 Finish the following questions:  I will graduate in __________  I want to be a ______________ (career)  I want to live in______________ (city, country etc)  I am going to ____________

11 Vision (Goal) Board  You may use magazines to find pictures and words that represent your goals. As well, you may draw pictures or write words to represent your goals.  You may paste pictures of yourself in the center of their boards.  Paste the pictures and words on the vision board. Pictures may overlap, words can be pasted on top of images or pictures can be in a distinct order. Your vision board should be based on your ideas and not those of your friends.

12 Additional Goal Setting Tips  Be specific  Do not limit your goals because you are unsure how they will manifest  Always write the goal in the present tense  Write goals for you - not others  Revisit the vision board

13 Post Discussion Questions  1. Discuss the importance of having a vision/goal for one’s future.  2. How might the vision/goal board help with this process?  3. What is different about the vision/goal board compared to just writing out our goals?  4. Why is important to go back to our boards and revise when needed?

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