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16/9/14Genre 4 TP: Explore the conventions of different genres in more depth. Bell work: What have you learned are some of the features of the science.

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Presentation on theme: "16/9/14Genre 4 TP: Explore the conventions of different genres in more depth. Bell work: What have you learned are some of the features of the science."— Presentation transcript:

1 16/9/14Genre 4 TP: Explore the conventions of different genres in more depth. Bell work: What have you learned are some of the features of the science fiction genre?

2 28/9/14Genre TP: Genres are created for a variety of purposes and each has its own specific characteristics. Bell work: Complete the following. Yesterday, I _____ up at 7am, _____ a shower, _______ my homework and _______ my bike to the shop.






8 22/9/14Genre 6 TP: Good readers can identify the genre of a piece of writing by examining its features Bell work: What are some of the differences between a crime story and an adventure story?

9 EXTRACT ONE Ivan lay down on the lowest bunk of a three tier wooden bunk-bed and wrapped himself in the coarse grey blanket. His naked feet were frozen and his whole body numb with cold. He could hear the sleet on the tin roof of the prison hut and in the distance the boom of the guns. He thought of the burning cornfields and the destruction of the forests – a vain attempt to halt the German advance. SETTING

10 EXTRACT ONE Ivan lay down on the lowest bunk of a three tier wooden bunk-bed and wrapped himself in the coarse grey blanket. His naked feet were frozen and his whole body numb with cold. He could hear the sleet on the tin roof of the prison hut and in the distance the boom of the guns. He thought of the burning cornfields and the destruction of the forests – a vain attempt to halt the German advance. PRISONER OF WAR?

11 Paired Activity Read the remaining four story extracts. Decide which genre best fits each extract (choose from the list below the table.) Find evidence (quote or paraphrase) from the extracts that supports your answers.

12 Group Task Each group has been given a different story to look at. As a group, read the first chapter (or two if it is short) and discuss what genre you think it is. In your reading journals (RJ), note down any clues you found as to the genre. These can be related to characters, setting, plot or language. REMEMBER: each group should have a chairperson, reporter and timekeeper. For this task, EVERYONE must be a recorder.

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