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Exchanging size for rain in a tropical latent heating retrieval Fiaz Ahmed, Courtney Schumacher, Samson Hagos, Zhe Feng.

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Presentation on theme: "Exchanging size for rain in a tropical latent heating retrieval Fiaz Ahmed, Courtney Schumacher, Samson Hagos, Zhe Feng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exchanging size for rain in a tropical latent heating retrieval Fiaz Ahmed, Courtney Schumacher, Samson Hagos, Zhe Feng

2 Algorithm details Algorithm groups contiguous rain regions by area, mean 10-dBz echo-top height, and 2.5 km reflectivity (mostly to distinguish between dynamically active or decaying convective cells of similar size and height) LH magnitude not dependent on rain amount

3 Latent heating by area Stronger, more elevated LH is associated with larger rain regions (aka, more organized) Height of maximum LH is also dependent on echo top height Anvil profiles show net cooling

4 Two model snafus Erroneous near-surface heating peak in almost 90% of stratiform regions analyzed. Peak removed through interpolation. The model also produced stratiform heating profiles with elevated cross-over points and net cooling. These were relabeled anvil and not included in the final look-up table.

5 Validation – mean profiles

6 Validation – MJO evolution

7 Summary A new look-up table method for determining latent heating profiles from radar observations is based on area coverage instead of rain amount to address importance of “organization” and to avoid potential problems with rain retrievals Application of method has highlighted possible boundary layer/microphysical issues with WRF Feasibility for mid-latitudes/GPM?

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