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Discrete Structures Lecture 11 Implication II 1.

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1 Discrete Structures Lecture 11 Implication II 1

2 Weakening and Strengthening
A formula is STRONGER if it restricts the state more. A formula is WEAKER when the fewest restrictions are in place. Example: p  q is true in only one state. p V q is true in three of four states. Therefore, p  q is stronger. The formula true is the weakest (true in all states) The formula false is the strongest (true in no states).

3 Weakening and Strengthening
(3.76) Weakening/Strengthening : (a) p  p V q (b) p  q  q (c) p  q  p V q (d) p V (q  r)  p V q (e) p  q  p  (q V r) weakening: transform antecedent into the consequent strengthening: transform consequent into the antecedent 6

4 Modus Ponens (3.77) Modus Ponens : p  (p  q)  q 6

5 Case Analysis (3.78) (p  r)  (q  r)  (p V q  r)
To prove (p V q  r) can prove (p  r) and (q  r)separately. (3.79) (p  r)  (¬p  r)  r Can prove r by breaking proof into two pieces. 6

6 Mutual Implication (3.80) Mutual Implication : proof in text!
(p  q)  (q  p)  p  q (3.81) Antisymmetry : (p  q)  (q  p)  (p  q) 6

7 Transitivity (3.82) Transitivity: (a) (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r)
Proof in text! (b) (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r) antecedent replacement (c) (p  q)  (q  r)  (p  r) consequent replacement 6

8 Recall (1.5) Leibniz X = Y E[z:=X] = E[z:=Y]
Can be rewritten (notationally) as: EzX = EzY If X = Y is valid (true in all states), then so is E[z:=X] = E[z:=Y]. 6

9 Leibniz’s rule as an axiom
(3.83) Axiom, Leibniz : (e = f)  Eze = Ezf If e = f is true in a particular state, then so is E[z:= e] = E[z:=f] (in that state). which is different from saying if X = Y is valid (true in all states), then so is E[z:= X] = E[z:=Y]. 6

10 Rules of Substitution that follow from Leibniz Axiom
(a) (e = f)  Eze  (e = f)  Ezf (b) (e = f)  Eze  (e = f)  Ezf (c) q  (e = f)  Eze  q  (e = f)  Ezf 6

11 Replacing Variables by Boolean Constants
(3.85) Replace by true : (a) p  Ezp  p  Eztrue (b) q  p  Ezp  q  p  Eztrue (a) any occurrence of the antecedent in the consequent can be replaced by true (b) extend to conjunction because both must be true. 6

12 Replacing Variables by Boolean Constants
(3.86) Replace by false : (a) Ezp  p  Ezfalse  p (b) Ezp  q V p  Ezfalse  q V p (a) replacing occurrences of the consequent in the antecedent. (b) extend to disjunction. 6

13 Replacing Variables by Boolean Constants Continued
(3.87) Replace by true : p  Ezp  p  Eztrue (3.88) Replace by false : p V Ezp  p V Ezfalse (3.89) Shannon : Ezp  (p  Eztrue) V (¬p  Ezfalse) case analysis 6

14 (3.86) Replace by false : (b) Ezp  p V q  Ezfalse  p V q
Problem 3.79 says to prove (3.86b) E[z := p]  p V q = < (3.59) Implication > ¬E[z := p] V p V q (E[z := p]  p) V q = < (3.86a) E[z:=p]  p  E[z:=false]  p > (E[z := false]  p) V q ¬E[z := false] V p V q E[z := false]  p V q 6

15 (3.76) Weakening/Strengthening : (e) p  q  p  (q V r)
Problem 3.84 says to prove (3.76e), using Replace by true (3.85b) p  q  p  (q V r) = < (3.85b) Replace by true > p  q  true  (q V r) p  q  true  (true V r) = < (3.29) Zero of V; (3.38) Idempotency of  (with p:=true)> p  q  true = < (3.72) Right Zero of  > true 6

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