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University of Pretoria Open Access & the UP Open Scholarship Programme Dr Leti Kleyn Manager: Open Scholarship MERENSKY LIBRARY University of Pretoria.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Pretoria Open Access & the UP Open Scholarship Programme Dr Leti Kleyn Manager: Open Scholarship MERENSKY LIBRARY University of Pretoria."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Pretoria Open Access & the UP Open Scholarship Programme Dr Leti Kleyn Manager: Open Scholarship MERENSKY LIBRARY University of Pretoria

2 OPEN ACCESS AT UP (i) Policy on University of Pretoria electronic theses and dissertations (S 4844-46/08) 8 000+ currently in the UPSpace repository (ii) Policy to provide open access to research papers authored by University of Pretoria researchers (S 4845/08) 10 000+ currently in the UPSpace repository

3 OPEN ACCESS AT UP (iii) Institutional Repository 29 909 items 1 st in AFRICA | 99 th on World Ranking Article alert system (+R40 million) 55%+ post-print success rate (iv) UP Journals 100% OA

4 OPEN ACCESS AT UP (v) Digitisation Centre Scanning of retrospective material MOU Internet Archive (entire Africana collections) (vi) APC fund BMC (2011-2014: R2 083 500) | 80 articles APC Fund (2015): 50% APC (vii) Research Data Management Policy (in process)

5 BATTLES WITH OPEN ACCESS AT UP (i) Knowledge and trained staff Repositories managers | Open Scholarship knowledge IT & DuraSpace: Old processes & time consuming Social media tools & eternal marketing (ii) Lack institutional support for journals Funding Status (iii) Goal alignment Copyright

6 BATTLES WITH OPEN ACCESS AT UP (iii) APC Funding Expensive No savings on subscription fees Budget cuts National support & policy (iv) Research Data Management Expensive Lack knowledge & experience National support & policy

7 “ ” The tipping point for African research innovation will not be merely the ability to fully access and use the new abundance of global knowledge and ideas but to make an active and significant contribution to its creation. Piyushi Kotecha (in Abrahams, et al., 2008)

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