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Smart HR Need a subtitle Presented by Marc Levinson & Swetha Lingala.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart HR Need a subtitle Presented by Marc Levinson & Swetha Lingala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart HR Need a subtitle Presented by Marc Levinson & Swetha Lingala

2 Contents What is Smart HR? 3 Why Smart HR? 4 User Types in Smart HR 5
Key Features of Smart HR 6 Smart HR Process and its Benefits 7 Key Considerations 9 Evolution of Smart HR 10 Use Cases 11 Q&A

3 Employees & Contingent Workers
What is Smart HR? Job Data What is Smart HR? Hires & Rehires Job & Personal Data Updates Person Profile Management Employees & Contingent Workers Personal Data Smart HR is a template driven method for simplifying and streamlining various HR transactions, related to employees and contingent workers, such as: hire/rehire, job/personal data updates or person profile data management The Smart HR template is a broad framework for housing all the data entry sections that are conveniently grouped under Job, Personal and Profile data components with specific options for end users, while at the same time, giving greater controls to Administrators. Profile Data

4 Retain Talent Acquire Talent Manage Talent Acquire Talent
Why Smart HR? Retain Talent Acquire Talent Manage Talent Acquire Talent Why Smart HR? Retain Talent Manage Talent There is a multitude of HR functions that are vital to the success of a business entity and primarily focus on policy formulations directed at acquiring, retaining and managing the best talent. The key to achieving this objective is to have an environment that is conducive for HR business and process owners to focus on these important activities. The logical way to aid HR organizations is to ease the burden of the volume of transactions organizations process on a daily basis.

5 User Types Template Administrators HR Administrators Users
Smart HR Users Template Administrators User Types HR Administrators Users Three types of users may utilize the Smart HR template-based framework

6 Key Features Key Features of Smart HR Template Record/Field
Template Category Table Template Sections Template Transaction Type Template Creation Template Administrators Key Features Manage Transactions/Manage Hires Review Transactions automatically added to Person/Job Information HR Administrators You will have to add speaker notes – all text on page Smart HR Transactions Track Transaction Status Review/Approve Transactions HR Users

7 The Smart HR Process The Smart HR Process Update Data: Person
Configure & Preview Smart HR Transactions & Templates Template Administrators The Smart HR Process Use Smart HR Template or select a person on which to transact monitor status Complete Transaction Details HR Users You will have to add speaker notes – all text on page Update Data: Person Job Profile Process approvals or review processing errors Transaction Complete HR Administrators

8 Smart HR Template Benefits Payroll for N.A. Time & Labor Federal HR
Smart HR Integration Benefits Payroll for N.A. Time & Labor Federal HR Global Payroll Smart HR Template Job Person Profile Personal All the Smart HR transactional data add to or update the Job, Personal and Person Profile tables that have fields related to these components in addition to Benefits, Payroll for NA, Time & Labor, Federal HR and Global Payroll

9 The Benefits Entirely template driven
Smart HR Benefits and Limitations Entirely template driven Lowers the Total Cost of Ownership Integration with Profile Management User segregation of templates based on data security Decentralizes data entry Streamlines repetitive data entry The Benefits Utilizing the Smart HR functionality, in PeopleSoft, provides many benefits as well as some limitations. No mass update capabilities Does not support Persons of Interest Can only be used with Employee Record “0”

10 Considerations Smart HR Considerations
Persons of Interest is out of scope Personal data sections are required for all transaction types Keep Name, Birth Information and Gender sections sequentially listed before National ID section For frequent compensation structures changes, don’t define compensation data as display-only Template testing available only when automatic database updates selected Only one active job defined for automatic database updates At least one address line field required Administrator must hide fields populated by position number No need to define the payroll system on the template for full position management. Considerations You will have to add speaker notes – all text on page

11 Configuration to Aid Mass Hires
Use Case 1: Configuration to aid in mass hiring Template Administrator/HR Administrator End User Use Case Scenario Steps Mass hires will be needed across regions of a retail store Setup ‘building blocks’ Minimize and speed data entry Define Pages Define Person Rules Define Sections Save Template (Status=Active) Case Studies Configuration to Aid Mass Hires USE CASE – describe what you are doing here Create New Hire template to aid retail store managers across regions hire temps SCENARIO Template building blocks are set up to handle data entry requirements with minimum required information for faster data entry STEPS

12 Smart HR New Hire Template Configuration pages
Navigation Components Template Creation Configuration Pages Sections Person Rules

13 Transaction by Retail Manager
Use Case 2: Smart HR Transactions by Retail Manager Retail Manager/HR Administrator End User Use Case Scenario Steps Retail Manager imitates the New Hire transaction using Smart HR Transaction pages New Hire Transaction details related to Personal, Job and Person Profiles are entered using Smart HR pages built from previously created template Navigation: Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Smart HR Template, Smart HR Transactions Select a template from the Select Template field on the Smart HR Transactions page Transaction by Retail Manager USE CASE – describe what you are doing here Retail store managers are keying new hires SCENARIO New Hire Transaction details related to Personal, Job and Person Profiles are entered using Smart HR pages built from previously created template STEPS

14 Transactions by Retail Manager
Navigation Create Transaction Transaction Details Transaction Information Person Details Job Details The Retail Manager (End User) enters all the required Personal/Job/Person Profile Information per the template and submits the transaction.

15 Transaction Status Review by Retail Manager/HR Administrator
Navigation Manager Self Service Job and Personal Info Smart HR Template Transaction Status HR Administrator: Navigation Workforce Administration Smart HR Template Transaction Status Retail Manager/HR Administrator view the status of the Smart HR transaction by using the filters.

16 Review of Smart HR Transactions by HR Administrator
Use Case 3: Review of Smart HR Transactions by HR Admin HR Administrator End User Use Case Scenario Steps HR Administrator reviews the transactions submitted by the Retail Manager. To work through the error encountered by the retail manger while entering the transaction. He corrects the transactions and then submits it to update the database. Navigation: Workforce Administration>Smart HR Template> Manage Transactions Click on the Name hyperlink to open the transaction page Correct the data entry error and then submit the transactions Review of Smart HR Transactions by HR Administrator You will have to add speaker notes – all text on page

17 HR Administrator – Transaction Review
Navigation Manage Transactions Transaction Details Transaction Information Personal Information

18 Evolution of Template Based Hire Functionality in PeopleSoft
The Evolution of Smart HR PeopleSoft Version Feature 9.0 9.1 9.2 Enables configuration of hiring pages based on unique onboarding processes that differ by jobs, geographies, employee types, industries, etc. by a Template Administrator. Gives options to configure fields and page layout, security along with automatic table updates in conjunction with field attributes to default and hide values, override defaulted values, or require fields at the user interface level. Minimizes data entry with most data defaulting to job, person record requiring data entry for variable data only such as name or address etc. and thus significantly reducing the time to complete the hiring process. Ensures that the data saved to the database is correct and complete. Allows or disallows users from overriding template data so that organizations can determine the level of policy flexibility granted to users. Evolution of Template Based Hire Functionality in PeopleSoft

19 Smart HR Functionality The Evolution of Smart HR
PeopleSoft Version Feature 9.0 9.1 9.2 Includes a new check box in the template configuration pages to include a link to the Contract pages from the Template-Based Hire pages. Includes a new section information to support integration with Oracle Workforce Scheduling (OWS) and region-specific requirements Enables configuration of any Personal Data, Job Data or Profile data transaction that simplifies the end user. Introduces new Transaction Type component to identify a template’s use, indicate what sections are permitted in a template, define which components will be updated during the Smart HR process, and to determine which users have appropriate security access Enables Administrators to use the Manage Transactions component to view transactions that are in draft status, require HR review, or encountered errors. Provides integration with Profile Management profiles and Smart HR to help the end users enter/update a person’s profile using Smart HR transaction templates and pages. Smart HR Introduced with version 9.2

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