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Understanding Matter By Ashby Morell Tennessee State Standards Science: GLE 0107.Inq.1 Observe the world of familiar objects using the senses and tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Matter By Ashby Morell Tennessee State Standards Science: GLE 0107.Inq.1 Observe the world of familiar objects using the senses and tools."— Presentation transcript:


2 Understanding Matter By Ashby Morell

3 Tennessee State Standards Science: GLE 0107.Inq.1 Observe the world of familiar objects using the senses and tools 0107.Inq.1 Use senses and simple tools to make observations. GLE 0107.9.1 Classify objects according to their physical properties. GLE 0107.9.2 Distinguish between the properties of solids and liquids.

4 What is matter? Everything you see around you is made of matter. There are three main types of matter – solids, liquids, and gases.

5 Solids are things you can hold in your hands.

6 Solids can be things too big to carry or hold.

7 Can you think of other examples of solids? desksclothesbackpack Did you say any of these?

8 Liquids are fluids that can be poured. Liquids are wet. Drinks are liquids. Water is a liquid. The glass that hold the water is a solid.

9 Here are some other examples of liquids. blood milk cooking oil

10 Gases Gases can not be held in your hand. Gases float around. The air that you breathe is a gas. Gases can fill a container of any size or shape.

11 Here are some examples of gases. Helium steamsmoke

12 Let’s see what you remember! Look at the picture and words. Decide if it is a solid, liquid, or gas.

13 table and chairs solid liquid gas

14 solid liquid gas chocolate milk

15 helium inside balloon solid liquidgas

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